Winter Mornings

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  This is just something cute for December.  Happy Holidays, everybody!


Gradually, the intricately carved mahogany armoire from across the room comes into focus as you blink your eyes open slowly.  Bright morning light comes pouring through the large windows in the walls and the french doors that lead to Draco's private balcony over the Malfoy family garden of topiaries and stone fountains.  You stir in place gently, sensing the heat of a strong, muscular arm tightly wrapped around you.  Smiling to yourself, you hear Draco groaning slightly from behind you as you move in his comforting embrace.  Draco pulls you closer, barely awake, and he rests his head in the crook of your neck tenderly.  Pressing sleepy kisses onto your skin, he hums gently.  You bring your hand up to his head and run your fingers through his silky, blonde hair, roughing it up a bit.

"Good morning, Draco" you smile to him, turning yourself over in his arms to face him.  Bringing your hands to cup his face, you press your forehead against his and he relaxes at your touch.

"Good morning, my love," he smiles and brings his hands to your waist, lovingly running his thumbs back and forth across your waist. Bringing his lips towards you, he peppers your nose and cheeks with small kisses, causing you to laugh and squirm.  "You're as ticklish as ever, y/n," Draco comments, coming in for a kiss on the lips

"Nope!" you say, putting a finger over his lips before he can get to you.  His face drops into a fake frown and he pouts his lips pleadingly.  You laugh at his puppy dog eyes as he starts to make whimpering puppy noises.  "Sorry...  Morning breath, Draco."

"You know I don't care about morning breath, y/n," he sighs, brushing a small lock of your hair out of your face so he can look into your eyes.  "Now, can I kiss my wonderful girlfriend on the lips?  I haven't been able to for hours.  I've been asleep."

"I guess you can.  You did fall asleep right away after we got home," you sigh jokingly with a wide smile.  In just a moment, Draco's lips are on yours, kissing you passionately and you giggle into the kiss.  He rolls himself on top of you and presses his body against yours.  You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back.

"I love you, y/n," he whispers.

"I love you, too, Draco," you reply, kissing both of his cheeks.  He blushes noticeably and you both sit up.  Snuggling into his chest, you take in his sent that had become nostalgic to you at this point.

"Thank you for being there for me, y/n.  I'd be nothing without you, honestly," he beams.

"Draco... Don't say that.  Of course you're something without me," you assure him.

"Well, if I am something, I'm utterly incomplete and broken," Draco asserts, his tone still calm and mild.  "You've been with me through everything.  You were there when I didn't know what to do about that cabinet and you were there with me through the entire war.  You never left my side and for that, I am so grateful.  If you weren't there, I probably wouldn't be here right now..."

"Draco!  You're going to make me cry!" you sniffle, trying to hold back a tear.

"Please don't cry...  I'm just saying the truth...  You helped me survive the war.  You kept me going through all the death and all of the suffering.  I wouldn't be the guy you know today.  Before we got together, I was mean a-and prejudiced and sour.  You turned me around for the better and I can't ever even begin to repay you for it...," Draco breaths confidently, intertwining his fingers with yours.  

"You don't need to repay me for any of it, Draco.  I love you, too, and I wanna be with you forever," you purr.  "If you're intent on paying me back in some way, stay with me, Draco."

"I would never consider leaving you, y/n, because I'm absolutely head over heels for you.  I've never experienced anything like this.  When I'm with you, I feel like I'm on fire and when we kiss, sparks fly."

"I feel the same way.  I love you so much, Draco.  I haven't ever felt so comfortable with someone ever before, not even my own father.  It's like I was always meant to be in your arms or close to you.  Whenever I think about the time before we knew each other, it feels off because you're not there," you beam as Draco wraps his arms around you and brings you back down to lay down with him.  You sigh as your head rests on his pec and your eyes lul shut

"I live for moments like this, y/n," Draco laughs, closing his eyes, too.  

"You're amazing Draco," you smile.  He opens his mouth to respond, but you gently place your fingers on his lips to tell him to be quiet.  You both lie there for about a half an hour more under the heavy down of Draco's winter covers, drinking in the warmth of each other's body and enjoying the peace and quiet.

"Are we ever going to get up?" Draco asks.  You shake your head.

"Too cold.  The bed is warm...  You're warm...," you mumble sleepily.  "I also need caffeine."

"I could get you some," Draco suggests.

"Nooooo!  You're my heat source!" you groan, capturing him in your arms.  

"I'll be right back, y/n," Draco says, getting out of bed, careful not to expose you to any cold air. He walks over to his dresser and pulls on a pair of navy sweatpants over his boxers and a grey t-shirt. He pauses in the doorway after to look at you snuggled up in the many layers blankets and surrounded by the mass amounts of large, puffy pillows.  He looks at his girl with loving eyes and says, "I promise I won't be long, love."

You nod and wait patiently for him to return, fiddling with the pillows to prop yourself up with.  He comes back with two mugs of tea in his hands, his jet black one in his left an and your favourite ivory coloured one you got during a trip abroad as a souvenir.  

"Thanks, Draco," you say, taking a sip and letting the warmth of the ceramic warm your hands.  

"Warm yet?" Draco asks.

"Mmhmm," you reply, sifting to face him.

"Stand up and come to the door.  I want you to see something.  I noticed it when I was getting your tea," he says holing out a hand, which you take eagerly.  He pulls you up and leads you over to the window and points for you to look outside.  To your delight, you notice how the entire garden is blanketed in a fluffy layer of white snow.

"Wow...  It's beautiful," you gasp.  

"The garden looks like this every year," Draco smiles at your reaction.  "Someday, we'll be able to stand here and show our kids how the garden looks in winter."

"Are you proposing to me right now, Draco Malfoy?" you jest, poking his bicep teasingly and he blushes a slight pink.

"I...  Uh...," he coughs.

"Oh, Draco...," you laugh.  "I thought it was cute..."

"Really?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course," you reply.  "You're always cute to me...  And so will our kids."


A/N:  This imagine was 1,234 words long!  Thanks for reading! 

- Soiea 

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