Dating Draco Malfoy Would Include...

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Dating Draco Malfoy would include...

- Long summer visits to Malfoy Manor

- Him begging you to cuddle instead of doing homework 

- You two always holding hands in the hallways, despite the PDA rules of Hogwarts.

- Draco making sure he says "I love you" every single day.

- Draco complimenting you all the time,

- You helping Draco with his studying for exams by promising kisses for each correctly answered question.

- You flicking your hair driving him absolutely crazy.

- Kisses.  Every single day every chance he gets.

- Making out together in places like

     - Broom Cupboards

     - The Slytherin Common Room

     - Deserted Classrooms

     - The Hogwarts Grounds

     - The Quidditch pitch locker rooms

-  You cheering him on during Quidditch practices and games.

- You sitting on his lap alone in the common room after hours.

- Sneaking out together to stargaze in the Hogwarts grounds.  

- You teaching him not to be so rude to the golden trio.

- Almost getting caught by Filch in hallways and broom cupboards, his favourite places for some private make-out sessions with you.

- Him calling you things like:

     - Babe

     - Baby

     - Honey

     - Love

     - Gorgeous

    - My love

- You calling him things like:

     - Dray

     - Babe

     - Baby

     - My Prince

-  Him being overprotective and possessive of you

-  Him being your boyfriend and your best friend at the same time.

-  Having deep conversations about your relationship and your feelings.

-  You both knowing when something is wrong with the other.

-  Knowing where both of you are ticklish.

-  Huuuuuuugs

- Draco always wanting to kiss you, in private and in public.

- You both defending each other if someone insults the other.

- Being comfortable with each other no matter the place or the time.

- Private study sessions together in the library.

- Always wanting to be partners in class.

- Always being each other's date for Hogsmeade trips.

- Warm butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks together.

- Falling asleep in each other's arms.

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