Being an Envy

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Light swearing

A/N:  This will be a oneshot.  No part 2 will be written.


Third Person POV:

Y/n had always been popular at Hogwarts, but she wasn't like normal popular people.  She was a nice, down to earth girl that everyone liked.  She wasn't just smart, she didn't just make all of Hogwarts swoon, she wasn't simply one of the qualities most other "popular" people were.  She was the complete package.  Everyone hoped that she would be their girlfriend, but she didn't know it, which only made her more desirable in their eyes.

"Hey, y/n," most people who desired her would say.  She would always turn to them, wave, and smile.

"Hello," she would reply, making whoever was in the vicinity blush a light crimson.  

Almost all the girls at Hogwarts were exceedingly jealous of y/n.  They all wished they had her smile, her looks, her calming voice, which every boy loved, and her impressive ability to charm people without even meaning to.  Most girls would watch from the shadows as their crush's cheeks would turn red as y/n went by, which was an extremely common thing to happen.

One person who was particularly interested was Draco Malfoy.  Everybody called him the Slytherin Prince.  Becasue of his good looks and his ability to strike fear in his underclassmen's hearts, he had become popular amongst the Slytherins, but not anyone of a different house.  People in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw mainly looked at him in disgust due to his habit of torturing their classmates and friends.  Becasue of only being liked by those whose ties were silver and green, y/n was still far out of his league.  She was out of everyone's league, but that didn't stop him from attempting to chase her.  He would watch her during mealtime, fantasizing about what their lives would be like if he could only muster up the courage to ask her out to Hogsmeade.  He imagined them being able to hold hands in the halls, laughing and smiling at each other, enjoying each other's company.  He imagined surprising her on her birthday with chocolates, roses, and a crystal necklace and watching her shed tears of joy and giving him soft kisses on the lips.  Sadly, this wasn't the reality.  He was alone and without a girlfriend, despite having many other girls, mainly from Slytherin, desire him.  Pansy Parkinson was one of them.  Draco had never really liked her.  She was far too clingy and made up nicknames for him which she would repeat incessantly.

"Drakie-Poo!" she would scream in an ear-splitting, high pitched tone that would shatter glass if it wasn't for anti-breaking spells put on many windows in the Hogwarts castle. She had many more of these names including ones like Drakie-Kins, Hunny-Bun, Malfie, Lovey Bug, Dray-Dray, and many more names that Draco wished he did not know by heart.  

Today was another normal day with y/n sitting in the corner of the library, flipping through a set of the Brothers Grimm fairytales with Draco silently admiring her from across the room, pretending to be skimming the Daily Prophet.

"Okay, Draco.  You've got this.  Y/n's a nice girl.  You have no reason to be nervous," he whispers to himself, trying not to have his shaking hands be too obvious.  he slowly rises after getting a grip and tries hard to walk casually over to y/n's place.  "H-hi, y/n..."

She looks up from her book and smiles softly.  "Hi, Draco," she says sweetly, taking out a piece of parchment paper and placing it between the pages of her book.  "What's up?"

"The ceiling," Draco responds, immediately regretting he'd said that.

What the, hell? he thinks to himself.  Great!  You just made an ass out of yourself in front of y/n!

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