Flourish and Blotts Pt. 2

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House: You Choose. (You're from Ilvermorny)

Blood Status:  Half or Pureblood (Your parents have jobs in the wizarding world)


Exhausted from your travels home to England from Ilvermorny, you drop your trunk right next to your bedroom door, unwilling to unpack and make a mess so soon after your return home for the holiday break.

"Goodnight, y/n!" your mother calls from down the hall.

"Goodnight, Mother!" you shout back and you the door of your parents' room clicks shut.  You take off your coat and fling it across the room and it lands on your desk.  You pull off your uniform and change into a loose Slytherin sweater, one that Draco had sent you in the mail, and a pair of grey sweatpants.  You climb into your large, four poster bed with grey sheets and lay sideways with your hands tucked gently under your cheek.  You begin to think of Draco.  You didn't really have any other friends.  He's really the only person you've ever been able to connect with.  Everyone at Ilvermorny ignores you and turns their backs on you.  You only get talked to by other students when you were class partners with people.  Draco wasn't like them at all.  He would write to you every other day to tell you about the new event or development going on at Hogwarts.  Life was never boring with Draco's letters. You could tell he cared about you enough to read your letters all the way through and give thoughtful feedback and make quality conversation.  It was wonderful having someone to write to like him.  You close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, thinking about Draco.


Tap.  Tap.  Tap-tap.  Tap.  You wake up with a start and sluggishly sit upright and gently swing your legs to the floor.  Tap.  Tap.  

"What's going on?" you groan quietly to yourself as you make your way over to the source of the tapping.  You look out your window and spot a large, brown owl.  Draco's owl.  You open your window and the bird flutters in, landing on your desk chair, a roll of parchment strapped neatly to its left leg.  You gently remove the letter and read.

Dear y/n,

I am so sorry for not writing back for such a long time.  Please forgive me.  Things were getting busier and busier at Hogwarts.  I'm writing this to you while I'm on the train home from school.  Mother wanted me home for Christmas this year.  She loves having family time during the holidays.  She likes to have Christmas Eve dinner parties with her friends.  It's an annual thing of the Malfoys to hold events like that.  I wonder what the theme of it will be this year...  It might be something like ice and snow or a masquerade type party.  I don't know.  My mother always has the best ideas, though.  I have a feeling it'll be great this year.  And congrats on getting Outstandings on your Ancient Runes test.  You mentioned that in your last letter.  You should be really proud of it.  Ancient Runes isn't an easy subject!  I suspect not much is new other than planning for the party this year at the manor.  Father is still doing his own thing.  I'll probably do some reading during the break.  I was also wondering if you would be able to meet up with me sometime.  It's been months since we last saw each other and I miss you a lot.  My friends at Hogwarts aren't like you.  They don't have your smile, your laugh, or your personality.  I mean that wholeheartedly.  I really do mean what I say to you, y/n.  Anyway... I'm going to be in Diagon Alley tomorrow around 1 o'clock.  Meet me where we met.  Please come if you can.  I'd like to see you again, beautiful.



Smiling and blushing slightly, you fold the letter in half and set down some owl food for Draco's bird.  You pull out a quill and ink and write:

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