I Don't Care About My Exes

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Description:  This imagine was requested by saina___unicorn!

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood

Warning:  Bullying, swearing


Third Person POV:

Draco Malfoy struts through the Halls of Hogwarts proudly, his girlfriend right beside him being held close by her waist.  Y/n y/l/n is her name.  Students move to the side as the couple walk directly down the centre of the halls.  Y/n is the Slytherin Queen.  She always has been.  She's a true Slytherin.  Pureblood, rich, a bit entitled and arrogant, but importantly, she doesn't give a shit about anyone who isn't her boyfriend.  

The couple enters the Great Hall, their heads held high.  All the boys turn their heads to look at the couple.  Not really Draco, though.  It's y/n they're all looking at.  She kisses her boyfriend on the cheek. They part ways and Draco goes to sit at the Slytherin table and y/n leaves the Great Hall.

"Malfoy!" Blaise Zabini hisses from across the table.  "How do you do it?  How did you do it?"

"Do what, Balise?" Draco replies, taking a seat.

"Keep a girl like y/n?" Blaise replies as though what he was asking was obvious.  "She's the hottest girl in school!  Don't you see all the other guys staring at her all the time?  They love her!  She could have any of them if she wanted.  If she did something awful, everybody'd still love her!  How do you keep her?"

"Come on, Blaise.  It's not like that.  We're together because we love each other.  It's not some sort of trick or anything.  What we have is genuine," Draco explains with a shrug.  "It's as simple as that."

"Aww man.  You're so lucky.  Everyone'd kill for a girl like y/n," Blaise sighs.  Draco laughs. "No.  I'm serious, Malfoy.  Hey, Johnston!" Blaise shouts over to the Ravenclaw table.

"What do you want, Zabini?  I'm studying," a seventh year grumbles at Blaise.

"What do you think of y/n y/l/n?" Blaise calls and the seventh year's face softens.

"She's smart, interesting, determined... But most of all, shes absolutely gorgeous.  I wish I had Malfoy's place...  Lucky man...," he trails off.  Blaise gestures over to him and nods.

"See, Malfoy?" he says.  Draco rolls his eyes at the Ravenclaw's reaction but nods his head.

"I guess you're right, Blaise.  I am amazingly lucky... And I may have to kill Johnston."


Y/n sits in Draco's lap, her arms draped over his shoulders, nuzzling their noses together.  

"I love you," she whispers as she looks into his eyes.  He smiles up at her with loving eyes.

"I love you, too, y/n.  Never leave?" he asks.  She shakes her head.

"Never," she whispers, planting a gentle kiss on his lips.  He brings his hands up to grasp her waist firmly and she cups his face with her palms.  The kiss becomes heated and from across the courtyard, a jealous Harry Potter stands with his friends.

"Harry...," Hermione says warningly.  "Don't do it..."

"Come on, Harry," Ron says.  "Ignore 'em.  I know it hurts to see them kissing so much, but you gotta get over it.  She's in the past."

Harry doesn't listen to his friends and storms over to the couple.  They keep kissing as he stands in front of them angrily.  Eventually, y/n's eyes dart over to him and she reluctantly breaks from her boyfriend, glaring at him.

"Oh, look.  Who do we have here?  It's the Chosen One.  Famous Harry Potter!  You've sure graced us with your presence!  It's like you've fallen from heaven!  Oh, Harry Potter!  The greatest wizard of today!" she says mockingly.

"Y/n... Don't.  This isn't you," Harry pleads.  "Remember when we were together?  You were kind and generous.  You were gentle and sweet..."

"Shut up, Potter, you mother fucking idiot," she snaps. 

"This is not the y/n I know.  Malfoy did this to you.  After we broke up, you got together with him just to spite me.  Look at what it's done to you!" Harry exclaims.  Ron and Hermione come and stand right beside him, seeing he might need backup since not many people make it out unscathed when they go toe to toe with the Slytherin Queen and her king.

"Harry," Hermione says.  "We should go and leave Malfoy and y/n alone!"

"Oh, look!  It's the mudblood!" y/n cries.  

"Come to join the conversation, Weaslebee?" Draco taunts.  "Defend this scum and tarnish the name of wizard."

"Shove off, Malfoy!" Ron shoots back, turning red, almost lunging at Draco right then and there.

"Come on, y/n...  Can't you see how he's changed you?  It's not good!  Please!  Just leave him and things can go back to the way they were when you were nice... and kind... and sweet...," Harry trails off.  Y/n scoffs.

"Are you trying to win me back?" Y/n scoffs in disbelief.  Harry nods meekly and y/n shakes her head.

"I can't believe it.  You break up with me because you like the Chang girl, I get a better, sexier boyfriend, you get jealous, and want me back," y/n says as she drapes her body over Draco's.  He smirks, wrapping an arm around her waist.  "No, Potter.  I'm better than I've ever been!  Draco cares for me and I care for him!  I'm happy, Potter and I don't need you to come and intervene in my new relationship!  You lost the right to do that after you dumped me!"

"Well, y/n, Cho didn't work out and I need you back!" Harry gasps.  "Malfoy's a bad influence and you-"

"No!" y/n snaps.  "You broke up with me and now you're crawling back but you lost your chance!  Draco was there when I needed someone to lean on the most.  You weren't!  I'm with him so fucking get off my back!"

"Please...  Just listen to what I have to say...," Harry pleads.  Y/n shakes her head.

"I see how it is, Harry Potter.  You're just so desperate for me now that I'm gone.  You think that becasue you're the fucking Chosen One that you get everything handed to you on a silver platter!  You think that you're special...  Well, Harry Potter. You.  Are.  Not.  Special.  Draco Malfoy is the only special one in my life," y/n says harshly, returning to kiss her boyfriend hard on the lips.  He slides his tongue into her mouth and feverishly returns the kiss.  Harry sigh and lowers his head.

"Maybe she'll listen to you another time, mate," Ron says, leading Harry away with Hermione in defeat.

"I love it when you treat Potter like that, y/n," Draco mumbles and she smiles.  

"Anything for you, Draco.  As I said, you're the only one special to me," she says, kissing him again.

Despite her new attitude, y/n remains, in the eyes of each and every boy at Hogwarts, the most desirable girl and even though her ever breaking up with Draco Malfoy could only occur in a far away alternate dimension, everybody wants a chance to get close to the Slytherin Queen.


A/N:  This imagine was 1176 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open!

- Soiea

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