You Have Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

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House: You Choose

Blood Status: You Choose

A/N: b/f/n = best friend's name


First Peron POV:

I hold my books close to my chest and look at the floor. I duck my head down as I round the corner, trying to avoid the gaze of my classmates or anybody for that matter. I continue down an empty corridor down to the potions room. I enter the potions classroom and sit down in the very back corner, listening to the soft mumbling of the people mingling around me.

"Hey, y/n," my best friend says, sitting next to me loudly, almost slamming her books down. I jump a bit at the noise and turn to face her.

"What's wrong, b/f/n?" I ask.

"Why do you always sit in the very back?" she asks, a bit annoyed.

"Becasue you always sit here...," I reply.

"No. I sit here becasue you're here. Come on, let's sit somewhere else. You gotta put yourself out there some time, ya know?" b/f/n says. "Listen, y/n. I know you're shy, but you gotta try new things! You're just so isolated a lot of the time... It makes me sad to see you like that all the time."

"B/f/n... I'm comfortable where I am. Do you seriously want me to put myself out there right now? In Snape's classroom? If I do that, he'll yell at me becasue I can't do anything right in this classroom!" I say, crossing my arms.

"Don't talk about yourself like that, y/n," b/f/n sighs. "You can't be so negative about yourself!"

"Silence, Students!" Profesor Snape says, emerging from his office. B/f/n signs and takes her bag and goes to sit with a group of Ravenclaws near the front of the room. I sigh. What do I expect? Who would ever want to sit with me of all people? Alone again... I guess I should get used to it because nothing's ever going to change. I listen as Professor Snape announces the assignment.

Today's task is to test the effect of the number of roots we add to a potion we talked about in some class in the past. He tells us to find partners and I stay seated in the back as people get up and wave their friends over. B/f/n waves Seamus Finnigan over. She's always has a crush on him. I watch her as she smiles and he flirts with her. It must be nice to be liked by someone, but I'll never know what that feels like, me being me.

Who would want me? I have ugly hair, an ugly complexion, just ugly... everything... I can't do my schoolwork, my grades are in the gutter, I have no special talents... Whenever I pick up a wand, I almost blow something up. Heck, if someone wanted to kill someone by poisoning, they would choose my potion over Neville Longbottom's to murder them. Maybe I should break my wand in half and live as an average, everyday muggle. That would be preferable to being an utterly talentless witch. I rest my hand on my hand and stare at the potions class's walls lined with beakers and bottles.

"MISS Y/L/N!" Professor Snape yells. I snap back into reality and find an intimidating, cloaked professor with sleek, greasy hair staring at me angrily. "Well, Miss y/l/n. I see my class is of no importance to you. I suggest you pay attention. Girls of your calibre will be lucky if they ever make it in the wizarding world. I suggest you start the assignment. You have yet to be able to master the basics of potioneering."

"But, Sir!" I start to say, but he raises his hand sharply.

"Find a partner and if you blow something up, I shall deduct points and assign you a personal essay," he says.

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