Innocence Pt. 3

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Description:  This imagine was requested by Hogwarts131313!

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose


Your legs draped over the arms of a tall armchair in the Slytherin dorms, Millicent Bulstrode approaches you slowly.

"Hey, y/n," she says.  "I've got something for you."

You sit up and place your feet on the floor to face her, giving her your attention.  She reaches into her pocket and produces a small scrap of parchment paper. S SHe hands it to you and then disappears to the girls' dorms.

"Thanks, Millicent!" you call after her, unfolding the clean parchment to read it.  Looking down, you realise it's Draco's handwriting and it says:

Hi Love,

Meet me in the kitchen as soon as you get this.  I have a surprise for you.  Hopefully, Millicent didn't dawdle.



Excited, you get up and rush out of the Slytherin dorms, past a heard of seventh year boys and down the hall, heading for the other side of the castle, turning multiple corners and passing the paintings on the wall until stopping at one of a fruit bowl.  You reach up carefully and tickle a bright green pear that promptly starts to laugh at your touch and morphs into a doorknob.  You reach out and grab it, carefully opening the portrait and stepping inside the entryway to the kitchen.  The kitchen is bustling with activity and the house elves of Hogwarts dash left and right preparing food for dinner.  In the middle at the largest and the highest of the tables is Draco wearing his uniform minus the sweater vest and cloak, his Hufflepuff tie showing with pride,  He casually brushes flour off of his front and looks up to see you.  His gaze automatically softens and he smiles.

"Y/n.  I thought you weren't coming!" he says, dropping his cooking materials and walking over to you, wrapping his arms around you.  You hug him back but pull away after a few seconds, still allowing him to hold you by your waist.

"I came as soon as I got your message.  I guess Millicent did dawdle, but it's okay.  She's like that you know.  Typical Millicent.  I cannot remember a single day that she's remembered all her assignments or shown up to each and every one of her classes on time.  It's just not her," you sigh with a shrug.

"Well, you're here now and that's all that matters, y/n," Draco replies happily, kissing your cheek, making you blush a light red.  He smiles sweetly and starts to kiss you on the lips, keeping our lips locked for a longer time than usual.  

"Well, what's this for, Mister Malfoy?" you laugh.  "And why did you call me over here?" 

He grins and takes your hand, bringing you over to the cooking tables.  He points to a white ceramic cake platter with a large cover among the recipe books, the spoons, the bowls, and the flour bags.

"Open it, y/n," he says, getting a bit giddy.

"You're quite excited, aren't you, Draco?" you giggle and reach out to the top of the cover.  Lifting it up, you reveal a two tiered cake with pearly white vanilla icing with yellow sculpted fondant flowers topped with candied orange slices.  On the top of that in red icing, it reads "Happy One Month Anniversary!".

"Oh Draco!" you gasp.  "It's gorgeous!  However, did you get it?  It's beautiful!  The flowers are amazing!  I'm speechless!"

"Well, I baked it for you, y/n.  I know one month isn't a milestone at all, but I wanted to do something special.  I thought that since you wanted me to bake you something again after I brought you one of my cookies the other day, I should do something bigger and better.  Do you like it?  If you don't I's perfectly understandable...  I could have done better work, to be honest with you, y/n," he trails off, motioning to the cake.  You rapidly reach for his face and look him in the eye.

"Are you insane, Draco?  I.  Absolutely.  Love. It!" you squeal.  "I can't believe that you'd actually make a cake for me!  It must have been so much work to do all of this!  You're such an amazing sweetheart!"

"So you like it?" he asks meekly.

"Yes, you dummy.  I love it!" you say, kissing him on the lips.

"Well, I can't take credit for all of it.  The house elves helped, too.  They gave me all the ingredients and the workspace," Draco says, motioning to the bustling house elves.  You turn to them and thanks them, making sure that they all can hear you.  They all perk their heads up and say something along the lines of "it's a pleasure miss" or "you're very welcome".   You smile and give Draco a kiss again.

"Has it really been a whole month?  I can't believe it...  How time flies," you sigh.  "I'm so glad that this last month has been with you.  I've never been happier."

"Yeah.  I love being with you, y/n.  It's amazing.  You get me like nobody else had.  You're a true companion and I can't thank you enough for being there for me," Draco says, looking down at his feet.  You lean over towards him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Draco?" you ask softly.  He shakes his head.  "Well, is something on your mind?"

He nods and takes a deep breath in.

"Y/n.  I have something to say.  I know one month isn't very long and this is going to sound crazy, but I think I'm in love with you," he blurts out.  "Well, no.  I don't think, I know.  I know I'm in love with you. You're the person I'd trust with my life y/n.  I can be myself when I'm with you and even if you saw me at my worst if, I know you'd still care for me and I'd care for you.  You're the sort of person that I can be silly or immature around and I know you won't judge me.  You make me laugh and smile, y/n.  I love you.  You make me happy.  P-Please tell me you love me back.  I would be crushed if you don't."

You look at him in shock for a second, trying to process what he's said.

"Y/n... I'm out on a limb here..."  

Everything is silent Even the house elves have stopped their work, which never happens.

"I love you, too," you reply, rushing into his arms.  "You're amazing inside and out.  You give me everything I've ever wanted in a companion.  You always know what I'm thinking.  You're cute and funny and so, so talented.  Look at that amazing cake you just made!  I love how patient you are with me and how kind you really are.  I'm honoured that I'm your girlfriend."

He pulls you in tighter and the house elves clap at the love and affection.  

"I'll never let you go, y/n.  You're my one and only," Draco whispers.

"Neither will I, Draco.  I love you," you say back, relaxing into his warm embrace like you will for many years to come.


A/N: This imagine was 1,160 words long!  Thanks for reading!

- Soiea

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