Cheater Pt. 2

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Description:  This imagine was requested by Ashley-HHogwarts131313BlackCat2995, and quinnofpeachy!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Swearing 

A/N:  B/f/n = best friend's name (female)


After leaving Draco alone in the Great Hall, a landslide of rumours about you and Draco flooded the student body of Hogwarts.  You being you, one of the more popular girls of your year, or arguably of the whole school, and Draco being Draco, the Slytherin Prince, everybody knew about your break up.  Your break-up seemed to be the latest breaking news.  Everyone either was on your side or Draco's, arguing in and out of class whose fault the break up was and whose side should be taken.  Even though there was much hype, you tried to ignore it and live on, attempting to keep Draco and the drama out of your life, people constantly were bringing him up.  Every time you would try to go anywhere at all in Hogwarts, random people would come up to you and ask and talk about him.

"What made you break up with him?"

"Is it true he fucked Pansy Parkinson, Romilda Vane, and Susan Bones?"

"He deserved it, but will you get back together?"

"Did you hear he's with Harry Potter now?"

"I just heard Hannah Abbot say that she heard him say that he's glad he's through with you!"

Each time a new person came up to you with another tidbit of information, you would sigh and decline to give into their gossip, returning hastily to your room.  Even there in the near privacy of your dorm room, you would still be bombarded with Draco talk, especially from b/f/n.

Sitting on your bed, writing your Defense Against the Dark Arts essay, b/f/n taking occasional glances up at you from her study books.  Feeling her eyes on you, you lift your head up and sigh at her.

"What's up, b/f/n?  Something wrong with me?  Do I look funny or something?" you ask, raising your eyebrows.  B/f/n shakes her head.

"No.  Everything's fine.  Nothing's new.  I'm just focusing," she says uneasily.  You shrug and return to remembering the physical characteristics of the latest dangerous magical creature you studied in Defense Against the Dark Arts.  B/f/n looks back at her book and the air is heavy and there's silence other than the scratch of your quill and the occasional page flip of b/f/n's book.  B/f/n looks up and you again and you set down your quill quickly and shove your essay to your bedside table.

"What is it, b/f/n?" you say, directly staring her in the eyes sternly.

"I'm just worried about you I guess....," she says. You scoff.

"Why?" you ask.  "I'm fine.  What on earth there to worry about in terms of me?"

"It's just that you've been taking being apart with Draco awfully well, in a way, but at the same time, you're different.  You're closed off and don't want to talk to anyone.  All you do is study.  You aren't as happy, but you aren't sad or anything.  I'm worried about you.  It doesn't seem healthy at all.  I'm afraid that you're hiding your feelings," b/f/n says, now avoiding awkward eye contact.

"I'm not hiding anything, b/f/n.  I'm fine.  I've always studied and I'm not talking to anyone because all they want to talk about is Draco Malfoy.  I'm tired of all the drama.  I just want it all of to be behind me.  Yes, we did break up.  Yes, he did cheat on me with Pansy Parkinson. I just want people to ignore all of this!  This is crazy!" you argue.  

"But, y/n!" b/f/n says.  "You're different!  I miss the old y/n! Remeber how happy you were in the past?"

You shrug and b/f/n walks over to you and sighs, putting her hand on your shoulder.

"I'm just worried about you.  Are you sure you're absolutely through with him?  I know he did a shitty, shitty thing.  He shouldn't have been with her, but, if I'm honest, I don't think you're over him, no matter how many times you tell yourself you are," b/f/n says, making you look at her.   You sigh and turn away.

"I guess...  I do miss him.  We were both each other's worlds, almost inseparable," you say.

"Come on, y/n.  Almost?  Most definitely inseparable.  He never let you go. He loved you too much," b/f/n smiles.

"I know...  and I loved him!" you say, beginning to cry a bit.  "I-I love him.  I'm fucking in love with him, but he cheated on me!  I can't forgive him for that, but I love him!  I do miss him, I really do!"

"Oh, y/n!" b/f/n sighs, wrapping her arms around you.  "I'm sorry!  I shouldn't have pushed you like I did just now!"

"N-no...  You're fine, b/f/n...  I just hate this.  I want Draco back, but I can't forgive him!  He cheated on me with Pansy of all people!  Pansy!" 

"I know, I know, y/n...," b/f/n says comfortingly.  

"It's just so hard!" you sigh.  "I miss him.  I really do..."

"You know, y/n, he does, too.  A lot.  I know this for a fact," b/f/n says.  "You know, I heard earlier today that the reason he's been missing classes lately is that he's been crying his eyes out nightly over you and is too broken up to even show his face.  He's become so ashamed about what he did to you, y/n.  I actually overheard Nott talking with Zabini about him.  They're actually concerned about him.  They said he's been tearing himself up about it, crying himself to sleep, calling himself worthless and a fuck up."

"Oh, Draco...  No," you say, imagining Draco puffy eyed and crying, talking himself down.  "I have to fix this!"

You get up quickly from your bed and head for the door, running into the hallway and down the stairs, ignoring b/f/n's calls for you to come back.  You rush out of your common room and to the Great Hall, hoping that Draco will be there for dinner.  Slowing to a stop ad you enter the hall, you look immediately down the Slytherin table until you spot the familiar face of your ex-boyfriend.  He looks even worse than the other day.  This time, his hair is ruffled up, obviously a bit greasy from not being washed for a while. He's wearing a new set of sweatpants and a plain, worn out t-shirt.  You rush toward the Slytherin table and stand behind him.  He doesn't react, obviously zoned out from his surroundings.  You gently tap him on the shoulder and he turns around with a jolt, tensing up ad he sees you.

"Y-Y/n?!" he gasps, shocked.  "I-I...  I'm so sorry!  Please take me back!  I am nothing without you, y/n!  Nothing!  I treated you like garbage!  I should have never cheated!  I know I don't deserve to have you back with me, but please let me prove myself again!  I miss your smile!  I miss your laugh!  I miss the happiness you bring and the sound of your voice!  I want to be able to call you my girlfriend again...  I want to say that I'm your boyfriend!  I want to care for you and be there for you!  Please...  Let me back in!  I need you!"

"Draco...," you say, sitting down beside him on the bench.  "I...  I want you back, too.  I really do.  You are my life, Draco.  You make me so happy every day and I need that back.  I miss you, too.  I'm not entirely forgiving you, though.  I still can't get over the fact that you were with her, but I know one thing: I need you."

"R-Really?' Draco gasps.  "You're really willing to have me again, y/n?"

"Yes.  I am," you reply.  Draco jumps lurches forward, throwing his arms around you, sinking into your embrace.

"I will never betray you ever again, y/n!" Draco says, kissing you enthusiastically.  "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

"I love you, too, Draco," you say returning his kisses passionately.  As you part, you hear as people begin to clap and cheer.  You both smile at each other as b/f/n and your other classmates begin to cheer as the power couple of Hogwarts reunite.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,344 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Cheater Pt. 3 coming soon!

- Soiea

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