Potions Partners

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Description:   A little bit of short, cute fluff to lighten the mood from the "It's My Fault" little thing there...  Sorry if that was a downer for anyone...  NOW: MARSHMALLOWS!

This'll also be a oneshot.  No part two for this!

House: You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


Third Person POV:

Walking into the great hall, y/n scans the Slytherin table up and down for her boyfriend.  It wasn't exactly that difficult to find him, though.  His hair always gave her a massive clue.  Upon seeing his bright, platinum blonde head of hair, she skips over to his side of the Slytherin table.  

"Good morning, Draco!" she whispers in his ear, wrapping her arms around his chest from behind.  He relaxes into her embrace and raises a hand up to entwine his fingers with hers.

"Goodmorning, love," he replies, leaning into the hug even more.  "Did you sleep well?"

"Eh, same old, same old.  Not good," she admits with a shake of her head.  "I'm used to it though..."

"Oh, geez.  I'm sorry y/n...," he says comfortingly.  She smiles.  Draco always had his soft moments with her around and she's grown to love them.

"It's alright, Draco," she says, reaching her hand down to his breakfast plate.  "Well, I'm going to steal your toast and go to potions class."

"You do that, love," he says, finally letting go of y/n's arms.  She bends over and kiss him on the cheek, watching as his eyes become bright and happy and his heart flutters.

"See you in potions, Draco," she waves with a smile, blowing a kiss.

"Bye, y/n.  See you then," he calls back as she leaves the Great Hall, munching on his piece of bread.


In Snape's classroom, y/n watches as the students come in after her one by one.  She sits down at her usual table, the one next to the Slytherin table so she can be closer to Draco. 

"Hi, love," Draco says, leaning in to kiss her cheek, making her blush.  He sits down at the seat at the Slytherin table closest to her.  "How was my toast?"

"It was good," she laughs.  "Thanks for letting me steal it from you."

"Anytime, y/n," Draco replies as Snape bursts through his office door. 

"Today, we'll be doing a group work potion.  There will be teams of four people and in the time allotted, you will brew the potion on page three hundred of your book," he drawls and starts to read off the teams.  Draco, sitting up straighter all of a sudden, is secretly hoping that she'll be in his team.

"Y/l/n, Granger, Weasley, and Potter!" Snape shouts out.  Draco's heart sinks and then jealousy begins to pool in it as she gathers up her things and willingly moves to the Gryffindor trio's table, smiling.  

Once all the partners have been assigned, and Draco's been set with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise Zabini, Professor Snape tells them to begin.


Staring down at his ingredients, Draco growls, listening to y/n's laugh echo across the classroom.  He glances over to her table.  She's smiling becasue Harry and Ron have been telling jokes all period.

I'm the one who should be making y/n laugh..., Draco thinks to himself angrily.  I'm her boyfriend!  I should be the one making her happy!

The bells rings and the class ends.  Everyone gathers up their ingredients and cleans their work area, laving a slip of paper with the names of the team members for grading.  Y/n and the trio leave early, becasue they kept the workspace clean, unlike Draco's team where Crabbe and Goyle kept blowing the potion up.  After begrudgingly scraping the slime Crabbe and Goyle created off the table, Draco continues onto his next period class.  y/n, of course, isn't there.  She has Ancient Runes during this period.  


After a long day of painful classes, Draco goes and sits in the Room of Requirement, the place where she and Draco sometimes meet, hoping she'd be there.  After a while and no sign of y/n, he gets up and leaves to search.  He checks the library, the Great Hall, the astronomy tower, but to no avail. She can't be found anywhere.  After finally giving up, he says two figures in the corridors.  He rushes forward to the pair.  Y/n is one of them.  The other is Harry Potter

"Y/n!" he gasps.  "Where have you been?"

"She's been with me, Malfoy!" Harry butts in.

"I didn't ask you, Potter!" Draco snaps, glaring at Harry.  He suddenly rushes forward and picks her up bridal style and walks away confidently, leaving Harry confused and alone.

"Draco!" she gasps.  "What's gotten into you?"

Once in a broom closet, he sets her down gently.

"What's wrong, Draco?" y/n calmly asks.

"Why were you with him?" he asks angrily.

"I was helping him with Charms homework, Draco," she replies, putting her hand on her hips.  "Got a problem with me helping others?"

"I got a problem with Potter!" he shouts.

"I know you do, Draco," she says, still calm.  "... but you can't control who I hang out with."

"But I'm your boyfriend!" he gasps.

"Still doesn't mean you can control me," y/n giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I don't want you with him...," Draco trails off.  

"I'm my own person," she reasons.  He nods.

"Sorry I got so jealous, y/n.  I really do want you all to myself.  You know Malfoys don't share," he sighs.

"Except for toast, Draco," you laugh.

"Well, you stole that.  I just didn't hunt you down and take it back ruthlessly becasue I love you," he smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist.  

"Awww...," she sighs.  "You old softy."

"Malfoys are not soft, y/n," he grumbles.

"You sorta are.  You love your snuggles, Draco," she teases.  He blushes a bit and dips down to kiss her on the lips gently.  

"Only if they're with you, y/n," he whispers.  She kisses his lips gently, earning a soft groan from her boyfriend.  "I love you, y/n..."

"Love you, too, Draco" she replies, kissing him again.


A/N:  This chapter was 956 words long!  Requests are open.  Hope you enjoyed!

- Soiea

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