Insults and Sabotage

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House: Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Swearing


"You're so fucking ugly, y/n," Pansy Pug-Face Parkinson screeches in your ear one day after potions class walking with her gang of Slytherin girls and Draco and his gang.  "You must be blind to have chosen to go out like that!"

"Quit, it Parkinson.  I may not be a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one," you calmly retort.  

Pansy is taken aback and blinks, unable to comprehend what just happened.  "Haha," she laughs half-heartedly, sticking out her tongue.  "If I wanted to see people as ugly as you, I'd have to pay museum admission!"

"I'm sorry.  English please, Pug-Face.  I don't speak bullshit," you say.  Pansy's mouth hangs open.  Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco all snort.

"How. DARE. YOU!" Pansy yells at the top of her lungs.  She opens her mouth again and screams absolute gibberish.  

"See what I tell you, Parkinson?  You gotta speak in English if you want to insult me," you say.  "Have a nice day."

"I'll get you for this, y/n," Parkinson mutters under her breath.  


"The Yule Ball," Professor Snape starts.  "Is a celebration that goes along with the Triwizard Tournament.  You will all be expected to be able to dance by then.  For the next hour, pair up and practice."

Everyone stands up, but you stay seated.  You didn't want to be here.  There's no point.  Nobody's going to ask you anyways.  It's a complete waste of your time.  

"Look at sad little y/n all alone," you hear Pansy cackle

"Shut the fuck up, Parkinson.  I'm trying to read," you say through gritted teeth, glaring at her.

Pansy smiles.  She got the reaction she wanted.  She skips over to Draco and grabs his arm.

"DRAKIE!!" she cries merrily.  "Dance with me, won't you?"

Draco, utterly shocked pulls his arm away from her.  

"N-No, Pansy.  Sorry," he says uneasily.   "I, uh, just remembered...  I have some business to attend to...  I gotta go..."

He hurries away from Pansy, leaving her in the middle of the dance floor with all the other pairs of Slytherin students twirling or stumbling by.


"Good morning, y/n," Draco greets you, sitting down next to you at the breakfast table.  The Great Hall is decorated with the usual Christmas trees with mistletoe and holly and the scent of gingerbread and cinnamon wafts through the air.

"Hi, Draco," you say with a wave.  "How are you?"

"I'm really good, actually, y/n."

"Why's that, Draco?" you ask.

"I finally figured out who I'm going to ask to the ball!" he declares.

"That's great, Draco!  Whoever she is, she must be really lucky!" you smile.  Draco pauses for a moment nervously.  "What?  Did I say something?" 

"Well,  I'm not sure how she'll react....  It might be really awkward and I'm not sure if she'll say yes or not," he admits.

"Well, any girl'd be crazy not to say yes to you, Draco," you assure him.  "Who is it?"

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