It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 1

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Description:  You're in your 5th year at Hogwarts.  

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N: y/l/n = your last name; n/l/n = new last name


September 24th, 2010

"Hi, Daria!  Hey, Alan!"  you say, running through the halls toward your group of friends.  They look up and Alan waves casually.

"What's up, y/n?" he asks,

"Not much, Alan.  Just wondering.  I have a free period now," you reply happily.

"That's great.  I'm jealous.  I have to go to Herbology. ," Alan says.

"Ugh.  Good luck, Alan," Daria replies.  "I have to go to Divination.  I've never hated a subject more. 

"Come on, you guys.  Stop being so negative and go off to class.  At this rate, you're both going to be late!" you say.  They grunt and disperse, heading to different corners of the castle, leaving you all alone in the hallway.  You take a deep breath in.  Nobody else is around and you decide to head to the library to finish a potions project.  You skip down the hall a bit sloppily and pass an empty wall.  

"I wish something interesting would happen today," you whisper to yourself.  You sigh and continue on your way.  Just as you begin to turn the corner, you hear a low rumbling from behind you.  Confused, you look behind you and find a small door that wasn't there before.  You walk towards it and run your fingers along the small brass doorknob.  You grasp it firmly in your hands in walk inside.  

The room is nearly pitch black, except a glowing cloud of mist in the centre.  You walk forward and dump your bags on the floor.  A shining opal is suspended in the air within the mist.  You reach out with your fingers into the mist.  It feels like you're sticking your hand into a thick substance, but you don't hesitate and keep reaching forward and take the opal in your hands.  On contact, the light in the room brightens and reveals itself to be a classroom.  The books and desks in it begin to spin around an reorganize itself and you watch.  Out of the windows, you see the sunset and rise in the opposite order.  The clock on the wall is gradually turning back, speeding up with every second you hold the stone.  A white light engulfs the room and you are toppled to the ground.  


You open your eyes.  The desks seem... newer and they're in a different configuration.  You go over to the clock.  The same time before the light...  Thinking nothing of it, you walk over towards the calendar on the wall...  Something's wrong.  It reads...

September 25th, 1995

"What?" you gasp.  "I've... travelled back in time?  What do I do?  It's against wizarding law to mess with time!  What if someone sees me?!"

The door slowly creaks open.  You cup your mouth with your hands and freeze in shock.  A blond boy strides in with two of his friends.  They look at you for a second.  They're Slytherins and they look at you quizzically.

"Hey," the blonde one says.  "What are you doing in here?  Everyone's supposed to be down at lunch for the announcement by Professor Dumbledore."

"H-Headmaster Dumbledore?" you ask.  He nods.  

"Come with us," he says.  "You're lucky we caught you on our patrol. The Professor said he would like every student to be resent at the announcement."

You nod and follow reluctantly.  No more people can see you.  What are you going to do now?  

"Why haven't I seen you before?" the blonde one asks, his friends nodding with him as you four walk towards the Great Hall.  You stare at the floor, unable to answer, unsure if telling them or not would be smart.  "Ummm... You okay?"

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