Arrangement Pt. 3

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Description:  This imagine was requested by HarryPotterGeek1397Kaelynway, and ashleyfanficreader!

House: You Choose

Blood Status: Half or Pureblood

Warning:  Mild Language


The sun slowly sets and the city lights up with bright colours and lights from the city buildings. Holding hands, Draco and you walk side by side down the street after your shift ends.  Leaning over towards him, you rest your head on his shoulder gently.  He squeezes your hand lovingly and takes you by the waist, turning towards you.  You smile as he does so and you kiss in on the tip of his nose carefully.

"I love you, y/n," he sighs.  "I'm so sorry that it took so long for me to come and get you again.  After the war, I had to go through hearing after hearing because of what happened and I couldn't leave the country at all. I thought about you every night, though.  I never forgot you, I promise."

"I'm so relieved," you reply, wrapping your arms around him.  "What's going to happen now?  My father will be furious with me...  He has even started making plans for my wedding.  He wants me to marry this man from the U.S. and I have no idea who he is.  I haven't even seen a picture of him.  he keeps telling me it'll be soon and if he finds me gone, he'll search for me and bring me back to do what he wants.  He doesn't care if he has to drag me..."

"There's no need to worry, y/n.  We're back together now and he can't take you away again.  You're out of his hands.  You're of age and on your own and you can make your own decisions.  You can come back to England with me and we can live in my family's manor together," Draco smiles.  "... if that's what you'd like to do."

You look up the street back to Tetsuo's Resturant and sigh deeply.  Tetuso will be fine and he has plenty of waiters and staff, but that's the least of your problems.  What about your father and his rage?  Would it just be easier to stay and avoid butting heads with your father?

"I know that look, y/n," Draco smiles, kissing you on the cheek.  "It's fine.  I know what you're doing.  You're really thinking this through.  I know there's a chance you'll choose to stay here to avoid conflict and I understand and respect that.  Just so you know, I'll be waiting for you no matter what and I'll be by your side no matter what you choose.  There's no rush to make a decision."

You smile up to Draco, who's grinning down at you warmly.  You sigh and hug him tightly, listening to his steady heartbeat through his chest. You're both silents for a second. 

"I've waited for you to come back for so long...," you whisper, a tear forming in the corner of your eye.  "I've wanted this for so many years...  I'd be an idiot to pass it up, but I'm scared of my father Draco.  H-He hates you! I want to go with you, but I don't know how I can..."

You exhale shakily ad begin to cry softly into Draco's chest.  His face turns sad as he sees your tears fall into his jacket and he starts to cry a bit with you.

"Shhhh...  It's going to be okay.  How about you sleep on it?  Do you want me to walk you back to your apartment?" he asks.  "Is there anything I can do for you, y/n?  I hate to see you sad, and we just got back together..."

"Can I stay with you tonight?" you ask and he nods, leading you down the street to his hotel.


The fog on the mirror fades away as you turn off the shower water in the bathroom of Draco's lavish hotel.  He got one of the largest suites, which as very Malfoy of him, complete with a mini bar and a balcony.   You grab a towel and dry yourself off carefully, stealing one of Draco's bathrobes and wrapping yourself in it, sighing as you wrap yourself up in the soft fabric.  You dry your hair and step back out to the rest of the suite where Draco is quietly reading a book on Alchemy on the quilted ivory coloured bed.  

"Hey, beautiful," he smiles, setting his book by the lamp on the oak bedside table.  "Feeling any better?"

"Loads," you laugh, crawling onto the bed next to him.  He takes your hand and kisses you kindly again.  You lean back and smile into the kiss.  He rolls over toward you, cradling your face with his hand and caressing your face with his thumb gently.  He leans in closer, deepening the kiss.  You melt in your place, finally feeling the warmth of his company like you've wished for years and years.

Abruptly, you both jump apart as a large banging sound comes from the doors of the hotel room.  Draco jumps up quickly and takes out his wand, pointing it at the door.

"Who's there?" he says sternly, standing his ground.  There's more banging on the door and then a shout.  Your heart stops.  You know who it is.

"Y/n!  Open this door this instant!" 

"Father?!" you gasp, putting your hand to your mouth.

"Y/n!  I know you're in there!  There's no use in hiding or denying it!  Open this door this instant or I'll break it down!"

You jump up and go over to the door, but Draco stops you before you can turn the brass knob.  

"Don't do it, y/n," he mouths to you.  You nod and back up.  Draco turns back to the door and calls out, "Leave, whoever you are.  You have no business disturbing me and my privacy."

"THAT BETTER NOT BE DRACO MALFOY, Y/N Y/L/N!  I SWEAR IF THAT'S HIM, Y/N, YOU'LL BE MOVING BACK TO THE FAMILY HOME!" you hear your father roar from the other side of the door and start to punch the door violently.  "REDUCTO!"

The door explodes into a million pieces, littering the floor with woodchips and splitters.  Draco covers his eyes and shakes the debris of the door off, staring angrily at your father.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOTEL ROOM!" Draco yells furiously.  Your father ignores him and storms toward you, reaching out for your arm.  You back up and grab your wand off the table and point it at your father.

"Don't you dare, y/n y/l/n!  You're coming home this instant!  How dare you disobey me like this, you wretched and ungrateful girl!  After all we've done for you!" he screams.  Unfazed, you point your wand at your father's face.

"Stupefy!" you cast, sending your dad flying backwards, tumbling across the bed, landing hard on his back.

"Nice one, y/n!" Draco laughs.

"Is there a problem in here?" a security guard wearing a clean cut black suit says, stepping into the room through the obliterated door frame.

"Yes, sir," Draco says with a nod to you.

"This man," you say confidently, "... came into our room by force."

The security guard nods and goes to pick up your stunned father, taking him out of the room.  Within a few minutes, maintenance workers come and fix the room, repairing the door, and returning the room to its original state.  Sighing out of exhaustion, you sit down on the bed and flop onto your back.  

"You okay, y/n?" Draco asks, sitting by your side.

"Definitely.  I feel a whole lot better...," you sigh, closing your eyes carefully to have a moment of peace.  "Hey, Draco?"

Draco sits up and turns to you.

"What is it y/n?"

"How about we get out of Japan tomorrow?  Go somewhere together?  I don't care where, but could we?" you ask softly.

"Yeah.  Where would you like to go, y/n?" Draco asks.  

"Anywhere but Japan," you laugh.  He flips himself over hand pulls you into his chest.

"Anything for you, my princess," he replies.  "I'll take you anywhere."


A/N:  This chapter was 1,322 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests open!

- Soiea

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