All Thanks to Narcissa Malfoy

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Description:  This imagine was requested by Hogwarts131313!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  e/c = eye color; h/c = hair color


Draco's POV:

Leaning against the railing of a staircase at Hogwarts with all the other first years, I look back behind me.  They all look so afraid it's actually hilarious.  The two oafs Crabbe and Goyle are with me again, acting stupid as always.  I sigh from boredom.  Is this really the place I'm going to spend my schooling?  I wish Father had fought harder for me to go to Durmstrang Institute.  This place seems like an absolute dump.  Nothing good can come from here.  A shaggy haired boy with glasses emerges from the group and stands at the front of the bunch.  He's wearing a circular pair of glasses with big lenses.  I know who he is.  He's the boy everyone's been talking about for ten years.  He's Harry Potter.

"So it's true then, what they're saying on the train," I speak up through the murmurs of my classmates. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

The crowd erupts with murmurs of "Harry Potter?", "The Boy Who Lived?  Here?", and "Wow!  Harry Potter's in my year!"

"This is Crabbe and Goyle...," I say, nodding my head to the big lugs behind me.  "And I'm Malfoy.  Draco Malfoy."

A bright red-haired boy scoffs from beside the Potter boy.  I quickly redirect my gaze towards him.  

"Think my name's funny, do you?" I spit at him.  "No need to ask yours!  Red hair?  And a hand-me-down robe?  You must be a Weasley!"  

I straighten back up and look at Potter again.

"You'll soon find some wizarding families are better than others, Potter.  You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," I say, shooting a smirk towards the latest Weasley.  "I can help you there."

I stretch out my hand to Potter, prepared to lead him away from Weasley, but he only stares at me.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," Harry Potter says cooly.  I look around as the other students begin to laugh at me, making fun of my embarrassment.  My cheeks go hot and  I feel a sharp tap on my shoulder and I spin around to see Professor McGonagall.  

"We are ready for you now," she says pushing me to the side.  I hiss under my breath as the other students file up the stairs and through a set of sky-high double doors.

"Hey," a voice says from behind me.  It must be someone making fun of me!  I whip around again, ready to shout at the person behind me, but I'm met with an unexpected smile.  It's a girl.  She has beautiful h/c hair and bright e/c/ eyes.  She's gorgeous.  I watch her as she takes a step back apprehensively, holding her arms in front of her.  "S-Sorry," she says softly and I relax.

"No...," I say.  "It's fine."

"Oh.  I just wanted to say I'm sorry...  Sorry about the thing with Harry Potter.  I can understand if that was embarrassing for you," she says.  "I would have been if that happened to me."

"It's no big deal," I say, trying to toughen up a bit.  "I'm over it."

"Oh, good!" she says happily. "I'm y/n y/l/n.  You're Draco Malfoy, I got that!  It's nice to meet you!"

She walks forward and takes my hand in both of hers, shaking it lightly. I smile at her and I shake her hand back.  Still holding my hand she pulls me into the Great Hall behind the pack of the other first years.  Maybe this place isn't as much of a dump as I thought.

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