Valentine's Day Special - Crystal Hearts

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  b/f/n = best friend's name (female).  The reader is more feminine than usual.


"Y/n!  Wake up!  Wake up!" b/f/n shouts in your ear.  "Come on, y/n!  Wake up!"

You grumble and lift your head wearily up from your pillow.  

"Few more minutes, please, b/f/n," you sigh, flopping back down on your pillow and pulling your covers up over your head, trying shielding yourself from further outside disturbances.  

"Y/n...  You know what day it is right?" b/f/n asks.  

"It's Tuesday," you reply unenthusiastically.

"No, y/n.  It's Valentine's Day," b/f/n says, grabbing your sheets and ripping them off of you.  "Get up!  Something got delivered to you!  It's right over here!"

You groan again and b/f/n crosses her arms.

"If you don't get up I'm sending it back.  Draco'll be pretty unhappy about that now, won't he," b/f/n sighs in mock regret.  You spring upright at these words and b/f/n grins. 

"Draco?" you ask and b/f/n nods.

"Yeah.  He went all out for you this year, y/n.  You're so lucky.  I'd kill for a guy who treats me like this," b/f/n sighs, pointing to a large stack of gifts at the foot of your bed.  You smile as your heart softens.  You did get Draco a few gifts, but nothing like this.  You get up and walk over to where b/f/n is.  At your feet are mounds of presents.  There's a large box of high quality, expensive chocolate, probably imported from far away with a bright red bow with black lace tied neatly around it.  Along with it, there's a large stuffed bear half as tall as you are, holding a heart-shaped card with a sakura blossom design on the front of it.  You kneel down in front of the gifts and pick up a smaller white box.  You undo the silvery ribbon and open it up with a pop.  Inside are a pair of dangle earrings with emeralds, which you totally expected of Draco, emeralds being his favourite on you.  With the earrings is a silver chain necklace that only has a single charm in the shape of a "D".  You smile, overwhelmed with joy.

"He's so sweet," you say dreamily, thinking of Draco again.

"Wow, y/n.  I didn't peg you for being so materialistic!" b/f/n says sarcastically.

"No!  I just think this is a really sweet gesture.  Very romantic...," you sigh.

"Come on, you'll have plenty of time for romance soon.  School's cancelled, remember?  The teachers probably decided that nobody would get any work done today," b/f/n laughs.  "Get dressed so you can see your boyfriend."

You nod and rush to your trunk, pulling out the black dress Draco got you for your birthday that is off the shoulder and has elegant lace at the hem of the skirt.  You pull it on and tie your hair up with one of the ribbons from the gift box, making sure to put on your new earrings.  You grin as you pull on a pair of shoes, grab your bag and Draco's present, and rush down the stairs of your dormitory to meet Draco at breakfast, b/f/n following closely behind.

As you enter the Great Hall after rushing down the halls to breakfast, you notice how different Hogwarts is compared to usual.  Couples snuggle in the halls and give each other kisses. Many pink and red valentines day cards float through the air, heading to their recipients and sot music plays throughout the halls.  In the Great Hall, couples exchange gifts and enjoy a festive breakfast made special for the day.  Down the hall, you spot a familiar blonde head of hair.  You rush quickly toward it and come face to face with Draco.  He smiles warmly at you and pulls you into his arms, dipping you down into a passion filled kiss.  You reluctantly part as you bring your hands up to his hair.

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