100th Imagine - Looking Ahead

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  A bit of swearing

A/N:  Hi everyone.  Quick note before we begin:  I know I haven't been updating and I'm incredibly sorry.  My life suddenly picked up a bit and I've been having less time to write.  I am no longer accepting requests and please disregard the "requests open" messages at the ends of chapters because I don't want to take it out of 100 imagines.  Requests will be reopened soon!  Thanks, everyone!


Third Person POV:

Ever since their third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Draco and y/n had been positively inseparable.  They were practically joined at the hip and are to this day.  Before they got together, Draco had a massive crush on y/n and it was obvious to absolutely everyone.   The entire student body knew, except y/n herself, of course.  Draco would be his normal, pompous, boastful self in classes, the halls, everywhere, but the moment y/n would come into view, he would shut his trap and start to stutter awfully.  He would most often blush red in the face when she would speak to him, which was extremely abnormal for him because his face was almost never capable of being a colour other than a creamy white.  He would desperately try to impress her by telling everyone around him what a good student he was and how much the teachers and classmates loved him.  He would talk about how much better he was than all the other students at Hogwarts, about pureblood, and his money.

"In the summer, my family travels to France.  We have a summer manor there," he would brag, or something like that.  "Next week, I'm going to play as seeker and crush the Ravenclaw team!"

No matter how irritating he got to the people around him due to his unbearable amount of pride, y/n would always smile and listen to him, brushing the fact that he was being an ass to everyone aside and seeing him in a different light.  It was one of the many hallmarks of her kind and decent personality and everyone recognized her for it.  She never said anything mean or rude to anyone. Y/n always tried to see the best in others and that's what most people say allowed the two to get together in the first place, because, according to everyone:

"If y/n was any less tolerant of his behaviour, Draco Lucius Malfoy would definitely be alone as shit."

During their third year, Draco finally had the nerve to approach y/n directly, because his passive "I'm the best guy, come date me" strategy was failing utterly.  That day, y/n had been studying tirelessly for first semester finals.  Draco approached her with a nervous look and watched her as she lightly pressed the end of her pencil onto her lips in concentration.   He held his hands behind his back to hide his shakiness, he approached her cautiously and leaned down towards her to get her attention.  Sensing his presence, she perked her head up from her writing and smiled at him warmly, greeting him with her usual, kind-hearted, voice.  Shakily, he stuttered with his words, naturally being extremely nervous.  He, Draco Malfoy, was finally asking y/n y/l/n, the girl of his dreams, to go out with him on a legitimate date.  The girl that he'd been watching and been friends for years with.  The girl he took the time to learn about.  He knew her quirks.  He knew what makes her happy and what makes her sad.  He thought about her endlessly at night and his dreams were filled with her smiles and her laughter.  She's the girl that he wanted to be with and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He stepped closer to y/n and slipped up with his words again.  Y/n calmly grabbed his arm to pull him into a chair next to her in response, telling him to slow down.  He sighed and calmly looked into her eyes that were brightly glistening like they always did and will for many years to come. 

"Will you go out with me y/n?" he asked, quiet, as he wrapped his hand around hers gently.  "I-I really care about you and I've liked you for a long time.  You don't have to give me an answer right away.  Just think about it.  I think that we'd work, I really do.  Maybe we could go to Hogsmeade together?  Nobody else in our group.  Just you and me?"

After waiting a few seconds with no response from y/n, he stood up, ready to leave her, already feeling the sting of rejection.  He let go of her hand and turned around.

"Wait," she said.  "I'd like that, Draco."

From that moment on, their relationship blossomed, going from casual hand-holding, to swift kisses on each other's cheeks, then to skipping class to have extra long lunches by the Black Lake, to having heated and passion-filled make out sessions in the broom cupboards, trying to avoid teachers walking in on them.  The true power couple of Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy and y/n y/l/n.  Many of the boys were jealous of Draco.  Most of them wanted y/n for her kind nature and disposition, but no.  She was dating Draco.  Pansy Parkinson was another jealous one.  She had deemed y/n as her enemy the moment she overheard Draco talking to one of the other Slytherin boys about his infatuation with y/n.  Y/n and Draco didn't mind Pansy.  She couldn't touch them.  They were next level and she simply was not.  There was only room for two people in the power couple of Hogwart's relationship and no room for caring about angry, jealous classmates.  Pansy's complaints were nothing to them.  All that mattered in their world was each other.

Now Draco and y/n are in sixth year and it has become evident to all of Hogwarts that they are a couple that's meant to last.  If one of them was in the halls alone, the other was sure to be in the vicinity, catching up to their counterpart.  Y/n and Draco would most often be seen holding hands in the hallways, whispering, laughing, and smiling.  They would practice for Quidditch together and always study in the same place.  They did show a lot of PDA, but nobody really minded because of how cute it really was.  Draco would always kiss y/n on the hand or the cheek gently and pull her into his warm embrace and she would always respond by laughing and hugging him back.  The teachers didn't even call them out for it since they looked fondly upon her and Draco's relationship, mostly because Draco became much more bearable due to his happiness levels never being so high. Draco's finally having an outlet of happiness in his life made life for everyone easier, especially those who Draco would have readily bullied and ridiculed, who mainly were scrawny underclassmen and muggleborns.

Sitting on a bench in the Great Hall, y/n leans against her boyfriend's chest and stares into the dancing flames of one of the fireplaces.  He wraps his arms around her waist and gives her a small squeeze and she sighs, relaxing into the moment while thumbing through the pages of her Charms textbook lazily. 

"Have you ever thought of what you want to do after school ends, y/n?" Draco asks.

"Not often enough...," she replies softly.  "I think that when I  move out of my parent's place, I'll get a small house.  Nothing too extravagant.  I'll get a job and make a living.  Put a lot of money in Gringotts and then travel the world...  See new things and meet new people...  What about you, Draco?"

Draco sighs with a girn.

"The future is unclear for me, y/n.  Nothing is certain for me, but I do know one thing I want to do in my future," he says back.

"And what is that, Draco?" y/n asks, turning around to face Draco.

"I want to marry you."


A/N:  This chapter was 1311 words long!  Thank you for reading and for 29k reads!

- Soiea

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