50k Special - Greatest Fear

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Description:  This 50k special imagine was requested by ellabellastellakella!  

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


You file into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, excited for your next lesson from Professor Lupin.   So far, he's your favourite one of your three Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers.  Professor Quirrell was awkward and turned out to be evil and Professor Lockhart was an absolute idiot who had almost no knowledge of how to actually Defend Against the Dark Arts.  Plus, he lost his memories so, in the end, he was pretty much useless.  Professor Lupin is different. He actually teaches you and the lessons are fun.  Looking forward with the rest of the students, you see a large mirrored cabinet that shakes sporadically.  Professor Lupin comes down the stairs from his office and faces the class.

"Good Morning, class," he says and people murmur back "Good Morning" and "Hello, Professor".  Straightening himself up he clears his throat and begins the lesson.  "Now, today we shall be doing something new."

He walks over to the cabinet and stands next to it.  

"Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?" he asks the class.

"That's a Boggart, that is," Seamus Finnigan responds nervously.  Professor Lupin nods, impressed with Seamus.

"Very good, Mr Finnigan. Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin asks.

"No one knows," Hermione speaks out.  "Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most and -"

"- and that what's what makes them so terrifying," Lupin continues. " Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" the entire class chants together.

"This class is ridiculous," Draco Malfoy mutters from the back of the class.  The Slytherin boys chuckle and Pansy cackles loudly.  You turn around to see Draco, his arm bandaged all around in a loose sling.  His gaze meets yours and he freezes.

"Something wrong, Draco?" you ask quietly, careful to not be heard by the other students.

"N-No.  Not at all, y/n," he replies, turning to face the demonstration.

"What really finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Neville, come up here," Professor Lupin smiles and Nevvile shuffles up to the front.  "What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?"

Nevvile mumbles something inaudible, but Professor Lupin tells him to say it again.

"Professor Snape!" Nevvile blurts out loudly and the students all chuckle.

"Frightens all...," Lupin replies.  "Now, do you live with your grandmother?"

Neville nods and Lupin whispers something into his ear.  Neville nods uneasily and Lupin steps back.

"Draw your wand, Neville."

Nevile does and Lupin opens the cabinet with a flick of his wand. The wardrobe opens slowly. Instantly a version of Professor Snape appears and the students gasp as he starts to advance on Neville.  Shakily, Neville raises his wand.

"Riddikulus!" Neville stammers, pointing his wand at the boggart.  Snape's clothes change into an ugly tight dress that's bottle green and high heels.  He carries a bright red handbag and a hat topped with a dead bird.  The class erupts with laughter.  You turn around to look at the Slytherins.  None of them are laughing at all.  You try to stop smiling as you turn back to hear music coming from a large phonograph and Ron is now in front of the boggart.  It's transformed into a spider and a positively frightened Ron casts the incantation and puts roller skates on its eight legs, causing it to topple over and roll around on the floor.  Student after student comes up and you notice Draco and his gang are not moving an inch.  You shake your head and walk up to Draco.

"Come on, Malfoy!  You gotta participate at some point!" you sigh, grabbing his good hand and pulling him to the front of the mass of students.

"N-No, y/n," he says shakily.

"Come on, Draco.  You can do it.  Whatever your fear is, it isn't real," you say. "The boggart is only imitating it."

He shakes his head again, but you push him forward.

"You got this, Draco.  I believe in you," you say.  he finally nods and smiles drawing his wand.  The class oohs as he steps up in front of the boggart.  In a whirl of colour, the boggart begins to transform until in front of Draco stands his father.  Draco stakes a step back as his father scowls at him.

"Such a disappointing boy you are, Draco," they copy of Lucius Malfoy says.  "You're an unbelievable disgrace to the Malfoy name.  I'm so ashamed of you.  You're as bad as the muggles!"

Draco shudders at these words and his lip trembles.  The boggart with his father's face smirks and transforms again, this time into his mother.

"I never expected to give birth to such a disappointment.  You'll never get anywhere in life, Draco.  As far as Lucius and I are concerned, we have no son," his mother says calmly and Draco looks like his heart has been crumpled up.  Satisfied with Draco's fear again, the boggart transforms again.  To your surprise, a copy of yourself stands before of Draco.

"You're such a pathetic loser!" she hisses.  "How could you ever think that there's even a possibility that I'd be your girlfriend!  You're a sad case, Draco Malfoy!  You're the scum of the earth!  If you died tomorrow, it wouldn't make any difference to me.  I wouldn't notice a thing, to be honest.  You're ugly and stupid!"

Draco stakes uneven steps back, swaying back and forth at these words.  His breath breaks and becomes shaky.  A small stream of tears slips down his cheeks gently.  The boggart feeling his fear continues as you, screaming at Draco.  You shove your way through the crowd of students in front of you to Draco's side, drawing your wand at the copy of yourself.  Seeing you instead of Draco, the boggart begins to transform.

"Riddikulus!"  you shout and the boggart turns into Crabbe trying to breakdance.  You grab Draco's hand. "Professor.  May I take him outside for a moment?"

Professor Lupin nods and you lead Draco into the hallway.  Draco walks over to the wall and slides down to the floor, crying harder. 

"Draco...?" you ask, reaching out your hand towards him, but he edges away quickly.

"N-No," Draco mumbles.

"Draco, look at me," you say.

"No!" he cries.  

"Please uncover your face, Draco."

"No...  How can I look at you after what's happened?!  I'm too embarrassed!" he gasps.  "I-I..."

"Draco, shhh," you say, wrapping your arms around him.  "It's alright.  You have nothing to be ashamed of."

He shudders once more and you hand him a tissue.  He wipes away his tears and blows his nose.  

"I-I'm sorry, y/n," he stammers.

"There's no need to be," you reply.  "Tell me, Draco.  Is it true that me saying stuff like that to you is your greatest fear?"

"Yes, y/n.  I've liked you for a while now.  I think about you all the time and every day, I'm afraid that one of these days you'll stop talking to me or start hating me," Draco cries.  

"Not a chance, Draco.  I'll never hate you.  I might tease you a bit, but I do that for everyone.  We'll always be on good terms no matter what.  I promise you that," you say with a smile. 


"Yes, Draco.  I really do.  I care for you as well," you grin.  "I like having you around to talk to.  It's amazing to have a person like you around all the time."

Draco smiles at you and stands up.  He sighs in relief and pulls you into a hug.

"Now that my secret's out, y/n.  Will you go on a date with me?" he says, holding you by the waist.  Yoe blush and nod, taking his hand and leading him back into the classroom.


A/N: This imagine was 1,342 words long!   Requests open, but there may be a long wait time!  Thanks for reading!

- Soiea

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