Old Friend

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Description:  Astoria has died, leaving Draco alone with Scorpius.  (I usually don't do stuff going off of the Cursed Child because, personally, it's not canon, but I had an idea so I'm rolling with it.)

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  Just something short for you all :). This'll be a one-shot.


Third Person POV:

The day of the funeral has finally arrived and Draco Malfoy fixes his tie solemnly, a small tear forming in the corner of his eyes, but he doesn't let them out to be strong for his son.  Dressed in all black, he walks down the hall to the door of his thirteen-year-old son's door.  He raises his hand slowly, pausing for a moment before knocking on the dark, wooden door.

"Scorpius?" Draco calls against the door.  "It's time to go.  Are you ready?"

Footsteps can be heard from the other side of the door and the doorknob turns slowly.  Scorpius's door creaks open slowly to reveal a young boy with blonde hair just like his father's.  he has light grey eyes, but the light from them has died from the crying and the lack of sleep.  

"Come along, Scorpius.  Let's go," Draco says quietly.  Scorpius nods and closes the door behind him, fixing his all black suit.  They walk outside the manor, close the front door and apparate away to the funeral.  

The gathering is small.  It is mainly Astoria's family and friends and the only one of Draco's parents who came is Narcissa.  Scorpius greets his grandmother and his aunt Daphne, avoiding small talk.  After everyone arrives and proceed together up a hill, a mass of black cloaks and coats.  They come to a casket on top of the hill where Draco knows Astoria lays peacefully inside.  The casket is topped with white flowers and a picture of her stands up by it.  The ceremony begins and her family and friends all stand up to say a few words about her.  Daphne talks about how her sister would get along and play games together when they were young little girls, her parents talk about how they miss her smile and her kindness.  After a while, it's Draco's turn to talk.  He weeps and cries about how he misses her and Scorpius bursts into tears as his grandmother holds him close.  Wiping the tears away, Draco stands back as the casket gets lowered into the ground and the earth closes around the hole with a simple wave of a wand.  Scorpius cries louder, anguish filling his wails.  Draco brings his son into his arms and holds him close, not wanting to say goodbye to Astoria yet, either.


Champagne glasses clink in a dimly lit room.  It's now the gathering after the burial and more people slowly trickle in as soft murmurs reminisce about the times they had with Astoria.  the door to the room opens slowly and a woman peeks her head in.  She wears a dark, floor length dress.  She turns and Draco and her gazes meet.

"Y-Y/n?" he stutters softly, going over to her.  

"Draco," she says, taking a step towards him.

"You're here...," he says.

"Yes.  Daphne invited me.  I couldn't make it to the burial, but I'm here now.  I-I'm so sorry for your loss, Draco.  Astoria was a wonderful woman and friend.  She was one of my very best friends and it's sad to think she's no longer with us," y/n says, moving her gaze to the floor.

"It's been so long, y/n," Draco remarks.  Y/n nods, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.  "I can't believe I'm seeing you again after all this time.  I hope you're doing well.  It certainly looks like you've changed since the war."

"Oh, no.  Same old me," y/n laughs softly as Scorpius walks up to his father.

"Hello, Scorpius," Draco says.

"Who's this?" Scorpius asks, motioning to y/n, perplexed at why an unfamiliar face is at his mother's funeral.  

"This is y/n y/l/n.  She was one of mine and your mother's friends at school," Draco says and y/n smiles down to Scorpius.

"Then why haven't I seen her before?" Scorpius asks, a bit nervous about the new face.

"I've been out of the country for many years now," y/n cuts in.

"Really? Doing what?" Draco asks, curious.

"Well, I met a guy, we moved to California...  We got married, had two kids, got divorced, they chose him for his money and now I'm back," y/n explains.

"Oh, y/n.  I'm so sorry," Draco sighs, reaching out his hand.

"No, no.  You should not feel sorry for me, considering why we're all here," y/n says and Draco nods slowly, lowering his head again, trying to find a way to remedy the awkward situation, considering that y/n and he dated in school.


A few days after the funeral, Draco is still struggling to live on his own.  Without maids or house elves because of Astoria's wishes, which he still follows even in her absence, he has been left in charge of the upkeep of the large manor.  It's been about the fifth time he's burned his dinner tonight and he groans in frustration all alone in his gigantic household.  Giving up, he grabs a quill and a piece of parchment, scribbles on it, and sends his owl off, waiting for a response.

Minutes later, a knock can be heard at the front door.  Draco gets to his feet in a hurry and yanks the door open to reveal a rain-soaked y/n.  She smiles at him and he sighs in relief when he sees her.


"I came as soon as I got your message.  What's wrong, Draco?"

"I can't do this on my own, y/n. Living here alone is just too hard.  I'm here all day with my thoughts and every day my guilt grows.  I can't help but think about how Scorpius doesn't have a mother anymore and that I don't have a wife, either.  I can't care for myself anymore.  Ever since she died, I haven't been able to do anything right.  Every time I try to clean or make dinner, I break or burn something.  Even with magic, nothing's working...," he cries, burying his face in his hands.

"Draco, Draco.  Calm down," she pleads.  "I'm here to help.  You're not alone.  I promise you that.  I'm still your friend, aren't I?  I can help."

"Yeah...," he says, straightening himself up.  "You're right."

"Okay.  Now can I come in and we can get things sorted out?" y/n asks and Draco nods, letting her in.  For the next few hours, y/n helps Draco cook and clean the manor.  They talk about what's happened since the war and for the first time since Astoria's death, Draco smiles a genuine smile.  As the time nears ten o'clock, y/n puts her coat back on.

"You sure you'll be okay, Draco?" she asks.  He nods, reaching out his hand a moment later, but then withdrawing it.  "Is there something more you'd like to say, Draco?"

"I-I," Draco stutters.  "It's just that...  Well...  I've had a good time.  It's the best I've felt in a while since she went.  I was wondering if you'd like to come back sometime.  I-I'll probably need a bit more help in the future and I really like the company...  You don't have to if you don't want to...  It's just that-"

"Draco," y/n says, going over to him.  "Stop.  Of course, I'll come back. You need help and I'll always be there for you.  Not matter what.  I'll come back tomorrow."

"Really?" he asks.

"Really," she replies.  "Now, goodnight, Draco.  Get some rest.  I'll see you tomorrow."

Draco waves as she disappears into the rain past the iron gate.  Draco takes a deep breath.  Despite missing Astoria and being saddened greatly by it, a little bit of light shines through all because of y/n's helping hand.


A/N:  This chapter was 1,280 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Please submit questions because I'm doing another Q&A at 50k!  

- Soiea

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