Snake in the Pride

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House: Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood

A/N:  I'm back and I hope you're prepared for a long one!

You are a Weasley with dark hair and green eyes.


Third Person POV:

The picture frames raddle as the heard of Weasleys rumble down the stairs of number twelve Grimmauld Place, laughing cheerily to each other.  At the bottom of the stairs, the children are greeted by Molly and Arthur Weasley.  Fred and George are joking about their new line of sickening sweets and fireworks they plan to sell this year, Hermione has already taken a nosedive into this year's assigned reading, and Ron, Ginny, and Harry are busy joking about Quidditch.  In groups, they start to cram themselves into a car to head to the station. Behind them all, a timid, hunched over figure follows.  It's y/n, the misfit of the bunch.  She takes the hood of her robes and pulls it over her head, not wanting anybody to talk to her.

Ever since she was born, y/n's been the odd one out.  She was born minutes after Ron, but with dark, black hair and striking green eyes, which discouraged her parents very much.  As she grew older, she was very withdrawn and didn't socialize with her brothers and sister at all.  She was always in the corner doing her own thing and was always made fun of for it.  In a house of extroverts, she was the only one who would prefer a good book or a bath instead of taking part in a wild session of de-gnoming in the garden with her siblings.  Eventually, her difference with her siblings outweighed their similarities and her brothers started to make fun of her or treat her as an outcast.  

Once y/n got to school and her name was called for sorting, she sat up on the stool, looking forward to being sorted into Gryffindor, hoping to have something in common with her siblings so she wouldn't have such a lonely existence.  Expecting the hat to shout "Gryffindor" at the top of its lungs, she had a slight grin on her face, but the hat did something unexpected placed her into Slytherin.  After that day, each and every one of her siblings had a burning hatred for her that her mother and father were completely oblivious to. The Weasley siblings had no intention of having a Slytherin be their sister.  She was shunned deemed a disgrace to the family, and as far as any of her siblings were concerned, she was a nobody.

As she walks into the potions classroom, y/n sighs deeply choosing to sit in the corner as far away from the Gryffindors and her brother and his friends.  The some of the other Slytherins file into the room, joining y/n at the table, mumbling a few hellos and opening their books on the table.  Bursting through the door, Professor Snape strides in and comes to the front of the classroom, folding his arms in front of his chest proudly.

"Today, we will be brewing the Invigoration Draught.  Seeing as most of you did horribly on the essay pertaining to its ingredients," Snape says, turning his head towards Neville, who cowers in fear at the sigh of the teacher he fears most, "I have no confidence in this group.  You have all class period.  Try not to get yourselves killed.  I have enough papers to fill out already," Snape drawls aimlessly, flicking his wand to unlock the cupboards.  "Get to work."

As the class period goes by at a sluggish pace, y/n works on her potion with ease as her classmates struggle around her.  After a good forty five minutes later, the door swings open and in strides Draco Malfoy, y/n's best friend.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr Malfoy," Snape says from his desk.

"My apologies professor," Draco says confidently.  "I got caught up in a conversation about Slytherin Quidditch."

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