My Best Friend

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


"Come on, slacker, we'll be late!" you yell to Draco, who's sitting in the empty Great Hall at the Slytherin table, eating his muffin and reading the Daily Prophet lazily.  His hand is still bandaged from coming in contact with Buckbeak the Hippogriff, but he's seemed to be able to manage well without his arm, despite what he claims.  You rush in and stand at the end of the Slytherin table, putting your hands firmly on your hips, your school bag hanging from your shoulder.  

Staying in the Great Hall until the very end of every meal has always been a very Draco thing to do.  It had become a habit over the years, and you, being Draco's best friend since the first day of first year, had decided it was your job to remedy this habit of his.  Your and Draco's friendship is a friendship that everyone at Hogwarts is jealous of.  It's the type of friendship everyone else wishes they had.  Everyone at Hogwarts is jealous of your closeness to Draco, especially since you're practically one being.  You and Draco go everywhere together.  Classes, meals, study breaks, Quidditch.  Everything you do together and neither of you would want it any other way.

"Come on, y/n.  It's alright to be late once in a while," Draco chuckles. He laughs and folds up his paper, tucking it under his arm and gets up from his seat.walking over to you.

"Well, there's a special demonstration in Defense Against the Dark Arts today and we shouldn't miss a second of it, Draco.  Unlike you, I care about my schooling," you sigh.

"Hey, I care about my schooling!" Draco snaps back just as the bell tolls.  "See, y/n.  Now you made us late!"

"I did not!  You were the one who dawdled!" you laugh.  "It's your own fault that we're both late!  I was only being the great best friend that I am in trying to help you be on time, but instead, you took too long!"

"So be it, y/n," Draco smiles.  "Lupin won't mind a bit.  We can just sneak in and stand at the back.  It's no big deal."

"Hah.  Says you," you say, grinning and punching him lightly on the shoulder as you both head to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.  After continuing up a few flights of stairs, you head down a long hallway to a heavy wooden door.  "Shhh," you say, holding a finger in front of your lips.  "We shouldn't be noticed."  Draco shrugs and you both press your body weights against the door to open it slowly with a low rumble of stone against wood.  You both slip in with your school bags and join the mass of other third years in the centre of the room.

"So nice of you to join us, Mr Malfoy.  You too, Miss y/l/n," Professor Lupin smiles.  You laugh once nervously and join Draco at the side of the room.  Professor Lupin clears his throat and begins talking about the Boggart and what it is.  Of course, Hermione Granger could answer every question about the creature.  Professor Lupin also introduces a spell, Riddikulus, to the class, meant to ward off Boggarts, which Draco promptly responded to with:

"This class is ridiculous!"

"Shut up, you," you had replied to Draco's comment.  

Now, Neville Longbottom stands in front of the wardrobe holding the  Boggart, his wand at the ready.  Lupin flicks his wand and the wardrobe opens with a heavy clicking noise.  Out comes Professor Snape.  he walks menacingly up to Neville.  Neville raises his wand and in an instant, the professor's usual clack cloak turns into a bottle green skirt and blouse accompanied by a vulture-topped hat with a red leather handbag.  The class erupts with laughter from the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws while the Slytherins all stay silent, crossing their arms in disapproval.  Professor Lupin class to the class to form a line and students begins to push and shove to either get tot he very back of the line or the very front.

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now