Draco's Tutor

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Description:  This imagine was requested by dracoooolover!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


Third Person POV:

A small, nearly unnoticeable bead of sweat forms on Draco Malfoy's forehead as he stands behind his telescope, his large Astronomy textbook in front of him.  The dim lamps and fires flicker around them, giving light to the Astronomy tower.

"Now, students, since we have a few minutes left, please open your books to chapter seven.  Read to the end of chapter eleven or until the class period is over.  If you do not finish the reading now, you will have to complete it as homework.  There will be a very important test on the content of these chapters so I suggest you do not choose this reading to comprehend poorly.  Off you go," the professor says calmly.  The students groan at the amount of reading assigned and whisper to each other complaints.  As Draco's friends all spit curse words under their breaths, Draco gulps.  He hates assignments like this and always has.  

Being dyslexic has always been a struggle for Draco since he was a young kid.  As a child, his mother and father would sit him down at a table and teach him to read and write.  Each time, Draco would have great difficulty even reading.  Eventually, his experiences of sitting in front of his parents, nearly crying over books, caused him to lock himself in his room until his mother promised not to make him read aloud.  A while after this, Draco learned to read, but his dyslexia still troubled him greatly.  Come Draco's first train ride to Hogwarts, his father had hissed in his ear before he boarded.

"You'd better not let slip your problem, Draco.  It would be such a shame if the other families knew that the pureblooded Malfoy heir is retarded," his father spat, causing Draco to shudder and nearly trip into the train car.

Now being in fifth year, Draco's dyslexia has caused even more complications.  With his increasing grade level, Draco has begun to break down over the months.  He's stopped eating well and sleeping.  All he can ever do is worry about what he has to do or read in class next.  Despite being smart, his dyslexia has served as a real impediment.  

Moments later, the professor dismisses the class from the Astronomy tower.  Everyone starts to descend the stairs, yawning after the hours of staying up late for the class.  behind all the other Slytherins, not saying anything, Draco stares down at his astronomy textbook, which reads to him "tsmnoyorA" and keeps changing.  Entering the common room, Draco sighs deeply and heads down the hall to his dorm room where the other boys are busy changing into their night clothes.  He follows their lead and climbs into bed shortly fater them, extinguishing the lamp beside his bed.  Drifting off to sleep, the thought of his Astronomy reading looms over his head.


Come Saturday, Draco has hardly worked at all on his Astronomy Homework.  Each time he sits down, the words become jumbled and unreadable.  He sighs in frustration, slamming his head on top his book.

"Shhh!" Madame Pince hisses from her deks.  Draco edges away from her, trying to cover up his actions.  

"Draco?" a soft voice says from behind Draco.  "What's wrong?"

Draco lifts his head up and sees who it is.  It's y/n y/l/n, his crush he's had since first year.  He smiles as his stomach and heart begin to flitter.

"Hey, y/n," he says blinking his eyes open and yawning.

"Tired?" she asks and he nods profusely.

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