I Still Love You, Ferret Boy

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House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warning:  Some light swearing


First Person POV:

The sounds of squabbling and shuffling echo down the empty hallway I'm sitting in. I look up from my book Defence Against the Dark Arts.  There's nobody there.  I return to my book, flipping to the next page and I watch as the drawing of a grindylow snaps its jaws at me.  

"Get back here!" I hear a furious Professor Moody shout, hearing his prosthetic limb clunk against the floor.  I stand up and peer around the corner just be knocked to the ground by a blur of dark uniform clothes and platinum blonde hair rushing around the corner.

"Ow!  Draco!  Watch where you're going!" I exclaim at my boyfriend as he helps me up, pulling me into his arms.   I look up at him.  His hair is messy and has patches of leaves and some mud in it.  He has some scratches on his cheeks.  I've never seen him so unkempt.  

"Thank god it's you!" he sighs, nearly crushing me in his arms. 

"Draco, what happened t-"

"There's no time to talk, y/n.  Come with me!" he declares, grabbing my hand roughly and pulling me along as he sprints down the hall into one of Filch's abandoned broom cupboards.  He closes the door behind us and holds a finger up to his lips, telling me to be quiet.  I nod as I hear the professor hobbling along on his leg outside the door.

"You coward!" I hear Moody yell at the top of his lungs.  "I know you're around here, boy!  When I see you next, I'll be sure to turn you into a-"

"Professor Moody!  Stop that this instant!" McGonagall says, coming into the hallway.  "We never use Transfiguration as a punishment!  You shall see Professor Snape about what disciplinary practices should be employed on Mr Malfoy if you see that we should take more drastic measures than detention."

We hear professor Moody grumble and limp away with McGonagall in search of Snape.  Draco presses his ear against the door.  There's nothing but silence and he sighs with relief, standing up straight again.

"What was that about?" I ask Draco, folding my arms in front of my chest.  Draco frowns defensively and says nothing.  "Come on, Draco.  Why does the professor want you in trouble with Snape?  What did you do?"

"It was nothing," Draco murmurs.  

"Moody seemed pretty angry," I say back.  He's not fooling me.  "I know something's up, Draco.  I can see it in your eyes.  You can tell me, Draco. I'm your girlfriend."

"But it's embarrassing, y/n...," he mutters under his breath.  I walk over and take his hands.

"Come on, let's go do something.  If it's bothering you so much you won't talk to me about it, we should do something to take your mind off of it.  You can tell me later.  We have no classes this afternoon," I smile.

"What would we do?  We can't be here, Moody'll track me down in an instant," Draco sighs.

"Let's go to Hogsmeade," I suggest after a moment of thought.  He smirks.

"Well, well.  We do have a rebel in our hands, don't we?" he jokes.  "You never break the rules.  It's a Thursday.  We're only allowed in Hogsmeade on designated weekends."

"Since when have you memorised the student handbook, Draco?" I laugh.  "You don't give a damn about the rules."

"And since when have you been so lax with the rules, y/n?" Draco replies with his signature Malfoy smirk.  "Last time I checked, you loved following the rules so much you made sure we left fifteen minutes early from the library so we'd get back to the common room seven minutes before curfew."

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