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Description : This imagine was inspired by an imagine by Zoie1929!  (Let me know if you'd like me to remove this imagine).  Please go and check them out!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status: Muggleborn or Half-Blood

A/N:I know I said wouldn't update, but I goind the time to do a little something short.


You stand arm in arm outside Malfoy Manor with your boyfriend.  You both have just returned from your fourth year at Hogwarts.  Today's the day you meet Draco's parents.  You can feel your hand become sweaty in Draco's and it starts to shake and quiver with nervousness.

"Baby....  it'll be fine...," Draco says reassuringly.

"No it won't!" you gasp.  "They'll hate me.  I just know it!"

"Shh...  They haven't even seen you.  Come on, now, love.  Let's go in," he says, kissing you in the cheek.  You both pass through he iron gates up to the large doors to the manor.  Draco knocks on the door and a woman opens it up.

"Draco!" she exclaims.  "Welcome home!  This must be y/n!  Welcome to Malfoy Manor!"

You smile as you shake hands.

"Come in, come in!  Lucius is in the drawing room waiting for you two!"

You both hurry in and drop your stuff in the entrance hall to be dealt with later.  Wrapping your arm around Draco's, you both proceed up a flight of stairs behind Narcissa to the drawing room.  There, you find Lucius Malfoy sitting in a large, dark leather armchair with the latest edition of the Daily Prophet.  He looks up, communicating his sheer displeasure.

"Father...," Draco begins.  "This is y/n..."

"Get her out!" He simply says, returning his gaze to his paper.

"Father...," Draco says quietly.

"No.  Get out," he grumbles.  

Your heart sinks.

"He won't give me a chance, Draco.  I should go.  I'm sorry, my love," you say solemnly, turning your back and heading towards the door.  Once down the stairs, you grab your trunk with a large sigh.  You grab a light coat and fix yourself up.  Pushing the door open, you feel your hands shake.  Why couldn't Draco's father give you a small chance?  Oh yeah, you have "dirty blood"...

"Wait!  Y/n!" Draco calls to you from the stairs.  He rushed forward and grabs his trunk.

"Draco?  What's going on?  Why are you getting your trunk?" You gasp.  

"We"re leaving, y/n," he says excitedly.  "Together."

"W-What do you mean?" You gasp.  You're leaving your family?  But why?"

"Because I love you y/n.  When we go, we'll be free from my parent and their rules.  We can truly be together.  Don't you want that?!"

"Y-Yea I-I do but your family means the world to you!  I can't let you throw them away all for me!"  You gasp.  "Have you thought this through?"

"Y/n!  I love you more than anyone else in this world.  You mean everything to me.  I've been thinking about this for awhile, in fact.  This is what I want to do with you.  All I need now is a yes from you.  Do you want to be with me, y/n?" he asks, taking your hands in his.  Slowly, a smile breaks over your face and you nod.  


"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" You year his father shout from the stairs.  

"Come.  We must hurry," he says.  Together, you run out the door with your trunks and into a nearby wood.  You trunks rattling behind you, brushing up agains bushes and trees you smile as you run along with your boyfriend.  Once his father is nowhere to be seen, you both sit down at the base of an oak tree.  

"Where should we go, y/n?" He asks breathlessly, still recovering from your initial sprint.

"I have no clue...  my parents are away all summer.  If we can make it there well be alone together all summer.  How about it?" You suggest.

"That sounds wonderful.  We better get going and find a place to sleep,  then y/n.  It'll be dark soon," he says, getting up.  He grabs his trunk and behind to walk.  You follow and grasp your trunk's handle.  You smile down at the ground.  Draco turns around to look at you.

"Something wrong, love?" he asks, worried.

"No, no.  Everything's fine," you reply.

"Is something in your mind?" he says.  You laugh

"Well...  I was thinking about how fun it will be, being on the run with you."


A/N:  This chapter was 707 words long!  It's Christmas Day!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  Thanks for reading!  Requests open!  See ya in the next imagine and please I and check Zoie1929 out!  

- Soiea

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