Innocence Pt. 1

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Description:  You are one of the most popular Slytherin girls.  Draco Malfoy is actually a Hufflepuff (and so, so innocent.)

House: Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warning:  Swearing, Fluffyyy


"Oh, look, there go the Hufflepuffs!" Pansy sneers.  You watch as a group of them from go by your group of friends, the Slytherins.  You're the most popular girl in school.  The Slytherins worshipped you and wished they were in your league and everyone else feared you... or wanted to be with you, too. "Look at Malfoy!  What a disgrace!  A Hufflepuff Malfoy!  What a joke! Oi, Malfoy!  How does it feel to be the fucking laughing stock of the wizarding world?  You're such a damned waste of space!"

"You shouldn't say words like that, Parkinson.  This is school.  Not your home where you can say whatever you want!" Malfoy shoots back.  Oh, he's so innocent.  He can't even handle the words "fuck" and "damn".  

"Oh, please Malfoy.  Even you know that you're worthless," she cackles. 

"Stop being so mean, Pansy," he says in return.  "People who treat others like that obviously are very, very sad souls of this world.  I feel sorry for you."

"Oh, so polite and inexperienced...." she sighs.  "And I am not sad!  I couldn't be happier, tormenting you!  It's so damn fun!  Now go away, your goody-goodness is getting annoying.  Shoo, shoo."

Pansy flicks her hand at Draco, motioning for him to go away.  All of your friends laugh and snicker at Malfoy.

"You're such an idiot, Malfoy!" Blaise Zabini shouts.  "If I were in Hufflepuff, I'd throw myself off the astronomy tower!  Wouldn't you Theo?"

Theodore Nott nods, grinning.  Crabbe and Goyle both snort.  

"Come on, Draco.  We need not spend our time on Parkinson of all people," Hannah Abbot says, taking Malfoy by the shoulder and leading him away.  You stare at Malfoy's back and start to think....  He needs to be taught a lesson.


Draco always down a corridor alone and is suddenly pulled around the corner and into a broom cupboard and pinned against a wall.

"Hey, Malfoy," you whisper into his ear, holding his shoulders down.

"Y/l/n?" Malfoy shudders.  "What is this?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I agree with what Pansy said," you tell him.  He looks confused.

"What?" he asks.

"I agree with Pansy... you are immature, Malfoy...  You have no experience.  You're too... pure..." you trail off and hush your voice to a whisper.  "And I know just a way we can... how do I say this.... fix that.,"

He stares at you confused, but you grin and grab him and push him harder against the wall and smash your lips against his, and smear your dark, red lipstick all over his mouth.  At first, he lets out a muffled gasps, but then he grabs your waist tightly and pulls you close, kissing back.  The passion soon builds up in the room as you dig your fingernails into Draco's scalp and through his, soft blonde hair.  He runs his hands up and down your body.  You two share, sloppy, hungry kisses and the sounds of gasps and groans fill the room.  You cup his cheeks with your hands and slide your tongue inside his mouth.  He moans out in pleasure. 

"I-I've never done anything like this before.  y/l/n!" he gasps as he parts your lips for air.  You bring your lips back to his and press him up against the opposing wall.

"Please...  Call me y/n!" you say breathlessly.  

"Only if you call me Draco!" he groans in return.  "Ahh!"



His kisses become sloppier as his tongue slides into your mouth.  He's actually a fantastic kisser, which is actually shocking since this is his first time kissing.  You release your grip and step back after you're satisfied with your work, breathing heavily.  His uniform and hair are all messy and his neck and face are absolutely covered in your lipstick and love bites.  "Did I do anything wrong?" he asks with a worried look on his face.

You snicker and shake your head, wiping off the lipstick from your own face with a tissue.  You stare down at the floor and then back up and meet Draco's sparkling eyes.   

"No, not at all," you reply.  "I must say, Draco.  You're a really great kisser for someone who's never been kissed in his life other than by his own mother."

You walk forward and kiss him on the cheek.  Whispering in his ear, you say,  "Meet me back here at 3:30 tomorrow if you liked what you got.  Don't keep me waiting.  The Slytherin Queen doesn't like it when she has to wait for too long."

You then leave a confused, bewildered Draco Malfoy, his face covered in dark, red lipstick alone in the broom closet.  The queen of Slytherin has made her mark.


A/N: This chapter was 827 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open! Luv ya!

- Soiea

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