It's My Fault Pt. 4

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Description: This imagine was requested by draher! They requested it to be the chapter where y/n comes alive again. In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter that is a magical impossibility... BUT THIS IS FANFICTION SO IT'S MY FAULT PT. 4, HERE WE GO!

House: You Choose

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warning: Swearing


Third Person POV:

"Trying to get out again are we, Miss y/l/n?" Dumbledore sighs. "You realise that's nearly impossible. Death has already created many obstacles in the path of those who wish to escape. Then again, your only hope is to get through these impediments if you wish to get to your husband and son and be with them once again. Are you sure you are ready to leave the safety of the afterlife and go to the bridge between life and Death?"

"Yes, Professor," y/n sighs, packing a bag of clothes and tools. "I cannot stay here any longer. That visit with Draco and Scorpius made me realise how much I want to be back and really how much I missed them. In the past, while I was dead, I knew I missed them but I didn't know to what extent. Now I do. I need to go back and see them. I'm incomplete here."

"You've survived twelve years without them in the afterlife, Miss y/l/n...," he says. "Do you not think you can last longer?"

"Wizards live to an average of one hundred and twenty-five years, Professor! You lived much, much longer. What if Draco does? What if Scorpius does? At this rate, it'll be over eighty years before I see Draco and even longer before I see Scorpius! I can't have that! It would be too painful...," she explains. "I want to be with them. I want to have my family back. I want to be there for Scorpius. I want to be there to talk with him and be with him at the important moments. I want to see when he graduates, gets his first job, and when he gets married. I realise the danger. If I die again in this quest, my soul is condemned to suffer for eternity for defying Death himself... but I think it's worth a shot, Professor. If I can see the rest of my family again and walk the earth, that would be an absolute miracle. I'm not looking for fame and greatness. I'm not searching for wealth or power. I just want to see my family."

She stands up and swings the satchel over her shoulder.

"I'll be off now," she sighs.

"Good luck, Miss y/l/n. How you value your family is truly admirable. Safe travels to you," Dumbledore says calmly with a wave. "Well. We'll meet again someday I trust."

"You got it, Professor. Promise!"


"Father?" Scorpius sighs. It's the Winter holiday of fifth year, a year since y/n visited. Draco and Scorpius's relationship has slowly started to mend itself. Scorpius's heart has begun to soften toward his father. He's been understanding what his father must feel like and Draco is grateful for that. They are not as distant anymore and often talk with each other and write letters back and forth when Scorpius is away at Hogwarts.

"Yes, Scorpius?" Draco asks, setting down his water goblet during dinner.

"How did you and Mother meet?" he asks.

"Oh, that's a wonderful story, Scorpius," Draco laughs. "The funny thing is, your mother hated me for the first half of our schooling."

"Wait... Mother hated you?" Scorpius gasped, surprised.

"Yeah. She did. With a burning passion," Draco admits, smiling. "I was an awful boy, really. And awful young man, too. I would constantly bully my underclassmen at Hogwarts. Everyone in the years below me feared me, I talked about muggle-borns and purebloods who talked to them like they were scum, and therefore, your mother absolutely hated me. She was always a pleasant one. She was always sweet and caring. She was the one who always stopped me midway through my bullying and, eventually, wherever I was, she was, too, breaking up the fights I would start. Each time I would go and bully someone, where she was shoving me up against the all screaming about ethics. It was amusing to watch many of my friends would say. They would all ask me, 'Hey, Malfoy! Why do you let yourself be bossed around by a girl?' and laugh. I didn't really mind her intervening. If it had been anyone else I would have ripped their head off."

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