Secret Place

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House: Slytherin

Blood Status: You Choose

A/N: y/p = your Patronus


Walking down the hallway, you see Luna, Harry, and Neville and wave them over with a smile.

"Hey, you all!" you say as you join their group.

"Hey, y/n," Harry responds. "Ready for the meeting today? We're going to be doing shield spells today."

"Definitely, Harry! Let's go!" you say and the four of you head down the hallway, just as the Room of Requirement opens up for Ginny Weasley.

"Hey, Ginny," Luna says and the five of you enter to find almost the whole class waiting.

"Okay, everybody!" Harry shouts tot he crowd of students sitting on the floor. "Let's get to work. Today we will be focusing on defence."

You go and sit with the other students on a pile of pillows to hear Harry speak. Dumbledore's Army began a while ago and you were one of the first to sign up. From the start, you had believed Harry, despite the uneasiness of your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. He had never supported Harry Potter but didn't make a huge fuss about that difference between ou two becasue he loved you. After Harry finished his introduction, everyone stands on opposite sides of the room while Harry demonstrates. Nigel, one of the youngest members, bravely volunteered.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouts, pointing his wand forward toward Nigel. With a flourish of his wand, Nigel attempts to block Harry's spell with a shield charm, but he was too late and his wand went flying. "Maybe next time, Nigel. Good work, though. Now that you all get it, pair up and take turns being the attacker and the defender. If you want to have a challenge, don't make it super obvious when you're going to attack."

Everyone nods and begins to pair up.

"Y/n!" someone calls to you and you spin around and look up.

"Hi, Hermione!" you say happily. "Need a partner?"

She nods and you both go off to practice, taking turns just as Harry said.

"So, how's Draco?" she asks as you cast a spell in her direction.

"Oh, he's doing well. He's never been happier. He seems to really like the Inquisitorial Squad," I reply.

"But, doesn't that pose any danger of you getting caught?" she asks.

"Well, yeah, but he gives me the benefit of the doubt. I'm his girlfriend, after all," I reply.

"You two are sweet together," she says, blocking antother spell.

"Aww, thanks, Hermione," I say back.

"You really do like each other, don't you?" she sighs.

"Yeah. He's really a sweetheart to me. Who would have thought that he'd date a girl like me?"


After an hour or two, Harry gets up in front of the duelling students.

"Great progress today, everyone! I'll be sure to let you know when the next meeting is. You all did fantastic today!" he says to everyone with a smile and the whole entire group claps. You go to the side of the room and grab your bag, heading out into the hallway only after you made sure that Filch or any Inquisitorial Squad members were nowhere in sight. You hop down the stairs to the dungeons and find the blank stretch of wall where the door to the Slytherin common room is.

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