Beauty and the Beast Pt. 1

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This imagine was requested by FERNANDABIBI.  Thank you for your patience!  This request will be done in 2 parts.

House:  None

Blood Status:  You Choose


Groggy from the time change, you stumble out of the fireplace behind you and into the Ministry of Magic, following the masses of people walking to their jobs.  At the back of the large room with high ceilings and golden fountains, you squeeze yourself into one of the lifts next to a man holding stacks of purple files.  

"Which floor?" someone to the side asks you.

"Floor two... the Auror office," you reply, trying not to be crushed by a large man behind you holding a cat in his right hand, a box of mice, and an owl perched on his head.  The door closes with a clack of metal and you gulp, gripping one of the ties at the top of the lift, your knuckles turning white.  The lift takes off with a gigantic lurch, whizzing side to side and finally upwards to floor two.  The elevator dings and a woman's voice calmly says, "Department of Magical Law Enforcement".  You step off and stumble a bit as the lift door closes again and shoots off into the darkness. 

You spot a sign pointing to the Auror offices and head down that hallway.  You pass other wizards and witches, but they take no notice of you, busy with getting elsewhere.  You come to a door with a large wooden sign which reads "Auror Department" in bright golden letters.  You reach for the brass door handle and the room seems to explode once you open the door.  You pop your head inside and look out into the sea of open cubicles and papers scattered everywhere.  Pictures are posted on the wall of wanted death eaters and criminals.  Some wizards are squabbling and shouting.  From the corner, there's a sudden explosion of flames and you duck as a stack of files flies towards your head.  

"Hello?" you call out into the crowd.  In response, a red-haired man trips and stumbles through the papers and files to come to you.

"Hello.  You must be the one MACUSA sent.  Wonderful.  I'm Ron Weasley," he says, extending a hand.  You nod and shake his hand with a smile.  "I do apologise for the madness.  There has been an unsettling development."

"What do you mean?" you ask, getting concerned.  

"Well...  Harry Potter has gone missing," he sighs.

"Are you serious?!" you gasp.

"Absolutely.  He was sent to Wiltshire to go and search an old mansion of an ex-Death Eater for dark artefacts or activity.   The family was relieved of all charges, but we had evidence that they were still active as dark witches and wizards.  We sent him alone because he is one of the most capable of our Aurors.  We haven't seen him in a week.  We're all getting worried and time is running out.  Everyone else in the office is busy with their cases and most of us are near catching the Death Eaters on the run," Ron explains with a heavy sigh.  "I wonder what happened...  Say...  Why don't you go and find Harry?"

"What?  Me?" You gasp, stepping back.  "I just came from MACUSA...  I have no idea about this issue."

"But you were only sent because you're one of the most capable Aurors from MACUSA... and you're my age!" Ron says with a smile.  "You'd have to be a prodigy if you're the one they sent when MACUSA said they'd send their best to improve international relations."

"But if Harry Potter is missing, wouldn't I go missing, too?" you gasp, trying to back your way out of it.  "I was sent here to observe the workings of your department."

"Yes. Also to take part in it as well.  Sit tight and I'll get you the file," Ron says, walking through the mayhem and back to his desk.  He picks up a file, just like the man from before had, but much thicker.  He hands it you and you gasp at how heavy it is.  "You'll be going to Malfoy Manor.  It's located in Wiltshire.  It's home to the Malfoys, a family of acquitted Death Eaters.  We'll prepare you with gear and a broom to get there.  Your goal is to find Harry Potter and bring him back.  Clear?"

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