Save Him

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Description:  This imagine was requested by TheRealLilyTommo!

House:  Gryffindor or Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pure

A/N:  y/a = your (land) animal.  You are an animagus.


Third Person POV:

The students file into Professor Lupin's classroom, y/n at the back of the pack with the Slytherins next to her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. The students all bunch in the centre of the room in front of a large closet.  It shakes and rattles, making all of the students jump and murmur.  Professor Lupin walks down the stairs from his office and folds his arms behind his back.

"Welcome, students," he says.  "Today, we are going to be learning about boggarts.  Boggarts are shape-shifters.  They take the form of whatever a person fears the most, but they are very easy to repel. Repeat after me: Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" the entire class repeats and he nods in satisfaction.

"Now, who will volunteer for a demonstration?" the professor asks and everyone takes a step back.  Y/n clutches her books in front of her chest and stays silent, quietly hoping she won't get picked.  "Y/n.  Won't you come up?"

Y/n seizes up and opens her mouth ever so slightly.  Internally she panics and she watches all of her classmate's eyes turn to her.

"Aren't you going to go, y/n?" Crabbe grunts from the group of Slytherins.  All of them chuckle except for Draco, of course.

"Stop pressuring her, Crabbe.  You wouldn't take it nicely if you had to face your greatest fear," Draco grunts, shooting a nasty look in Crabbe's direction.  Draco turns to y/n.  "You got this y/n.  I believe in you."

"T-Thanks," y/n says, discarding her books at the side of the room and taking her wand up with to the front of the class.  

"Now, y/n," Professor Lupin says.  "What is your greatest fear?"

Y/n's mind quickly goes to an unpleasant image and she shudders a bit.

"I-I'd rather not say, Professor," she says softly.

"Ah, well.  We shall see it nevertheless," Professor Lupin responds with a shrug.  

"Professor, could I not be part of this demonstration?  I'd rather not have people seeing my greatest fear," she says.

"It's alright, y/n.  Whatever your fear is, it will go away very shortly.  The spell makes it into something amusing.  You shall see.  All you must do is imagine something you find funny and cast the spell.  Riddikulus! Remember?"

Trapped, y/n surrenders and stops trying to resist being part of the class demo.  Professor Lupin leads her over to the closet.  Professor Lupin waves his wand and the closet bursts open.  In a flash of light, the boggart transforms and on the ground is a man wearing a greyed, tattered prisoners' uniform.  He has tattoos all over his body from years of imprisonment and his skin is pale and almost turning blue.  His hair is long, mangled, and greasy.  He's dead.  The entire classroom gasps.  they know who it is.  It's Sirius Black.  Y/n raises her wald quickly.

"Riddikulus!" she shouts and the boggart begins to transform and she grabs her stuff and runs quickly out of the classroom, leaving the class murmuring.


The bell rings and y/n is too busy hiding from all of the people in her Defense Against the Dark Arts class.  The students all fill the hallways and all head in different directions.  Some head to the dormitories and some head to the Great Hall, all of them thankful that the school day has finally ended. Keeping herself in the corner of the hall, y/n puts her head down.

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