Misfit Pt. 1

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Description: This imagine was requested by Barry_Allen012!

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Pure or Halfblood

Warning: Make out scene, partial nudity described


"Freak!" Pansy Parkinson spits harshly in your face, grabbing her books and throwing them to the floor. "You don't belong here. Not in Slytherin or Hogwarts!"

Rolling your eyes with a sigh, you kneel down calmly and retrieve your school books.

"Well, I've been here for five years already and I'm not going anywhere, Parkinson. Deal with it!" you say cooly.

"How dare you talk to me, you filthy animal!" Pansy cries loudly, her voice echoing through the halls. "You're nothing but dirty, y/n y/l/n, stinking up the good name of Salazar Slytherin! I don't know what made the sorting hat put you in Slytherin. You should be in Gryffindor like all those other dogs!"

"If anyone's a dog you are," you say back to her, scowling. In an instant, pansy lets out a high pitched shriek and she starts to cry.

"Drackie-pooo!!!! Y/n is being mean to me again! She called me a 'dog!'" she cries loudly, rushing toward the band of Slytherin boys and throwing herself into Draco Malfoy's arms. Draco, caught extremely off guard, lets her wrap her arms around his chest, immediately regretting letting Pansy do that. Pansy pulls out her wand and shrieks a curse and you casually step out of the way and let the spell go by. It leaves a burn mark on the wall where it hits

"What's going on here?!" Ron Weasley shouts coming to your side and taking her waist firmly. "Is it Malfoy again?!"

"No. Pansy this time but it's not a big deal. I got her under control," you say to your boyfriend, kissing him on the lips.

"Man, I wanted to come and stop the fight," Ron complains, letting go of your waist.

"... or start one!" you laugh at him as Harry and Hermione come up to you both. As you look away, Ron smiles warmly at Hermione, who blushes in return.

"What did Pansy do this time?" Harry asks.

"Nothing other than the usual," you reply with a shrug stepping towards Harry. "Just did her usual rant about how I'm supposed to be a Gryffindor and how awful my existence is. I defended myself and then she ran back to Malfoy. I'm sick and tired of it. It always goes the same and it's a waste of time! What do you think I should do, Ron? ... Ron?"

"Huh? What?" Ron says suddenly and he and Hermione, who had become abnormally close in proximity, jump apart. "Oh! With your smarts, y/n, it'll all work out!"

"Sure, Ronald...," you sigh. "Oh well. Let's go to lunch. I'm starving."

"Can I catch you later?" Hermione asks. I got to go to the-"

"Library?" Harry asks and Hermione nods.

"I also gotta do something. I gotta do maintenance on my Quidditch gear," Ron says with a sigh. "We'll see you in class."

You and Harry nod to them and head off towards the Great Hall. Across the hall, Draco Malfoy eyes the back of Ron's head unhappily as he and Hermione walk away together in a different direction.

"What's wrong, Drakie-Poo? You seem distraught" Pansy asks sweetly, pulling on his arm. Draco grumbles, ripping his arm away from hers.

"Nothing, Pansy," Draco sighs to her. "Come on, boys."

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