50k Special - Fed Up

6.5K 162 55

Description: This imagine was requested by crniandeo!

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: You Choose


Since the war ended, thing couldn't have been better. Draco and his family successfully avoided Azkaban, mainly thanks to Narcissa's actions and Draco's parents have moved back into Malfoy Manor and life has become more normal for all four of you. Because of his father's age, Draco and you would often visit his parents at the manor about every other week. Occasionally, Draco would have small panic attacks because of the memories that come with his house that still haunt him, but he's been able to overcome them if you hold him for a while without any interruption.

You and Draco, on the other hand, moved away and started to rent an apartment together. You got a job waitressing and Draco got a job at a Quidditch shop to blocks away, allowing you both to go to work together, him dropping you off at the restaurant and then heading over to his job.

Tonight is just like any other night, Draco pulling on his work robes and you're putting on your uniform and heading off, hand in hand. After closing your front door, you apparate away.

"Anything exciting happening tonight, love?" he asks, snuggling his head against yours after landing in an alleyway near the restaurant. You shake your head and squeeze his hand.

"Nope, not much. There is a party reserved today for the evening. It'll be a bit hellish for us. Big groups are hard to deal with, especially if there are children," you sigh.

"You'll be great, y/n. I know it," Draco smiles, kissing you on your cheek as you stand in front of the restaurant door. You blush at his gesture. Draco as far as you can remember has always acted sweet like this.

"Thanks, Draco. I gotta get going now," you sigh, returning his kiss with another. You wave goodbye as he turns and walks down the street. You smile as he rounds the corner and goes out of sight.


Walking slowly back to your apartment, you push open the iron gate and carefully close it behind you carefully as you pass. As you walk past the front door and up the stairs, you smile to yourself, thinking about the prospect of having a relaxing evening with Draco. You reach your apartments, shuffle around with your keys, and unlock the door, listening to it open up with a quiet creaking noise.

"Draco?" you call into the darkness. "Are you home yet?!"

You walk into the kitchen and set your bags down, turning on alight.

"Draco!" you call out. "Are you in the bedroom?"

You walk into each and every one of the rooms. No sign of Draco anywhere. You sigh. Why would he be out so late? His work ends hours before yours and he almost never wants to stay out for long after work ends.

"It's eleven o'clock now," you say to yourself. "I'll stay up and wait for him."

You walk into your shared bedroom and change into your pyjamas. Closing teh door to the bedroom, you grab a book from a nearby bookshelf and sit down on the couch in the living area. You open your book and start to read, waiting for Draco to come home.


You wake up to a small bit of rustling and the creaking of the hardwood. You raise your head up to look up and around the room, trying to pinpoint the source of the noises. It's Draco. He's quickly trying to kick his shoes off and take his coat off, heading for the bedroom. You look over a the clock. It's one in the morning.

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