You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 3

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House:  Slytherin (but if you really want to, it can be different)

Blood Status:  Half or Pureblood

Warning(s): Umpleasant themes and images.  It may be unsettling for some readers.


Third Person POV:


"Miss y/n, please come out," a voice says through the darkness.  Y/n opens her eyes slowly and waits until everything comes into focus.  She's facing a crack in a familiar wooden door, the one behind the professors' table that leads into the Great Hall again.

"Miss, y/n?" 

Y/n jolts her attention to the professor.

"Yes, Professor.  My apologies," she says, walking out, feeling the eyes of each student on her.  Dumbledore makes his announcement about her medical conditions, but she takes no notice of it.  She's trying too hard to suppress her smile.  Professor Dumbledore tells her to take her seat and she rushes up to Draco.

"Hi!" she says cheerfully.  "You're Draco Malfoy, aren't you?!"

"Y-yeah!  I am.  How did you know?" he asks, a bit startled by her approach.  

"Oh!  I read about you in the paper!" she says.  "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Of course not!' Draco says, moving to the side.  "Crabbe!  Scoot over and give y/n a place to sit down!"

Crabbe does as he's told and y/n slips between the boys.

"Thanks!" she says happily, exhilarated by the moment of meeting Draco again.  Y/n looks across the table and Pansy Parkinson glares harshly at her, displeased with the fact that the boy she has liked for so long so easily offered a spot next to him to a complete stranger and not her.  Y/n brushes this off, Pansy acted that way the first time around.

"Anytime," he replies, giving her a small nod.  "So y/n... Tell me a bit about yourself!"


"Draco!  Take my hand!" y/n calls, swinging through the air, bound to the ceiling by a magical rope, avoiding the venomous spikes shot at them.  Today is just another standard day at Hogwarts for y/n and Draco.  They're fighting the monsters as they both Promised.  They both figured that working together couldn't hurt since they are both boyfriend and girlfriend and therefore, the ultimate team.  Draco reaches up from his perch on a falling platform and takes y/n's hand and grips it tight as they both swing forward toward the monster as it morphs and mutates before them into a cumbersome creature with multiple arms and long, rough hairs growing out its back.  Driving his weight forward, Draco lets go and summons a shimmering silver lance, which he drives into the side of the shaking, grotesque beast.  Skilfully above him, y/n releases her self from the rope and shoots shards of ice from her position into the beast's back.  It topples over to the ground and melts away into its home.  Falling from the air, Draco spots y/n and rushes forward and catches her in his arms.  Wrapping her arms around him, she nuzzles into his embrace and they walk out of the monster's enchanted hideout.  As they pass through the barrier, the monster's dark ominous home fades away and they return to one of the many corridors of Hogwarts.

"You were fantastic today, love, as always," he whispers.

"As were you, Draco," she says back as something rumbles in the distance.

"Looks like we're going to have some weather, eh, y/n?" Draco says, setting her down and taking her hand.  "Let's go to dinner."

Hand in hand, they both head down the halls to the Great Hall where most of the student body is.  They go and take a seat and y/n leans against Draco, exhausted from the day's work.  She closes her eyes and relaxes on his shoulder, drifting off into a slight state of sleep, only to be jerked away by a sudden movement from Draco under her.  Her eyes shoot open and she looks towards the large window.  There's thunder and lightning.  It's close.  Unusually close.

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