Free Period

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House: You Choose

Blood Status: You Choose

Warnings: Fluffy/Making Out/Swearing


"Class dismissed," Professor Snape says in his usual monotone voice.  You grab your bags and stow your class notes in your school bag along with your quills and ink.  You check your schedule.  It's your free period.  You leave Professor Snape's classroom and observe as almost every other Hogwarts student run up and down the halls, trying to make it to their next class before the bell.  You make your way to the library in hopes of studying or completing your essay assigned by Professor Flitwick.  You walk into the library and go to sit at your usual spot all the way in the corner.  You look down at your seat.  There's a book with a piece of parchment stuck in it with your name on it.  It says:

Dear y/n,

You are so perfect

We are meant for each other

I love you so much

I hope you liked that haiku.  

I've never actually tried writing haikus before, but I think that the one I made is just perfect for us.

Meet me in the east side of the fourth-floor corridor during your free period.

I'll be waiting, my love.


P.S. Please don't bring anyone with you.

You smile.  Draco was always doing these romantic gestures like two weeks ago when he bought you silver and gold earrings even though it was no special occasion or the time when he made you dinner during the holidays, not to mention the hugs, pecks, and the cuddles he would give you on a daily basis.  Smiling, you leave the library and make your way to the fourth floor.  You check both ways to make sure that nobody is there and set your bags down and walk down the deserted corridor.

Suddenly you feel two arms wrap around your stomach and you feel someone else's deep breath on your neck.

"I was wondering if you were going to come or not, love," the voice whispers.

"Sorry, Draco.  It took me a while to find your note," you say.

"Well, you found it didn't you?" the voice asks, planting a soft kiss on your neck.  His lips are thin but soft and smooth to the touch.  You exhale deeply.

"I guess I did.  So why did you ask me to come?  What's the special occasion, Draco?" you say, turning to face your boyfriend.  You stare up at him.  His eyes are locked, looking down on you with a fiery passion.  You are still shorter than Draco, even when you were wearing heels.

"Oh, nothing," he replied, resting his forehead against yours gently, closing his eyes.  "I just thought that we haven't had much alone time lately.  Just you and me.  Together."

He grips your waist tighter and you bring your arms up and wrap them around his neck.  You bring your fingers to his hair and begin to play gently with it, tugging at his thick, silvery, blonde tufts.  With a sudden movement, he grabs you and holds you bridal style and starts to walk down the hall.

"Wow!  Draco, where are we going?" you ask, holding onto him tight.  

"You'll see, baby," he says.  You reach a broom cupboard and he kicks the door open and strides in.  He kicks the door again and it closes shut with a click.  

"But, Draco.  My things are back there," you tell him.

"Forget about them," he responds.  "All we should care about right now at this moment in each other.

He lets you down, but presses you immediately against the wall, smashing his lips into yours.  You tense up for a moment, shocked at his swift action, but soon relax feeling his skilled lips on yours.  You begin to kiss him back.  His tongue tries to enter your mouth, but you don't put up a fight and you let him in.

"That feels good, y/n?" Draco gasps through the kisses.  All you can muster is do a gasp of satisfaction.  Your senses are all overwhelmed.  The feel of his hands on your body, his lips against yours, and the smell of his shampoo and his cologne are driving you insane and it's almost agonising.  

He breaks our kiss and removes his sweater vest.  You grab his emerald and silver silk tie in your hand and pull him back into the kiss.  You run your hands through his hair again.  That was one of the things he loved for you to do when you two made out.  You loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt, revealing a pale toned chest.

"My turn," he says.  Within seconds, your vest and your tie are on the floor next to his.  You continue to kiss until the bell rings.

"Shit!" you exclaim, breaking your kiss once again.  You start buttoning your shirt again and grab your other clothes.  "We're going to be late for Divination!"

"It's alright, baby," Draco says.  "We never cared much for divination or Professor Trelawney, anyways.  Stay with me, y/n.  Please..."

You turn back around and almost throw yourself at your boyfriend.


A/N: This chapter was 901 words long!  I apologise for the shortness.  I'm having a bit of trouble remembering my ideas when I have them.  Requests are open!  Please comment if you have one!  I will definitely write it asap one I see the notification!  Until next time!

- Soiea

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