Minister's Box Pt. 3

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Description:  This chapter was requested by laceynicolelee!  

House:  You Choose (Ilvermorny)

Blood Status:  Pure Blood

A/N:  y/l/n = your last name; y/m/n = your mother's name; f/c; q/p = Quidditch position


First Person/Your POV:

"Y/N!" my father calls up the stairs at me.

"Coming, Father!" I call back as I rush out of my room.  I hoist myself up onto the railing f our grand spiral staircase and push myself down, circling about the crystal chandelier as I descend to the main level of our manor.  I rush into the dining hall and see my father sipping an espresso delivered by one of our five house elves.  "What's going on, Father?  Is anything the matter?"

"Certainly not, y/n.  Everything is well," my father says, taking off his reading glasses.  "It is just that we have received a letter from the Malfoy family.  You remember them, don't you?  We met Lucius and his son, Draco, at the Quidditch World cup a week ago.  They have invited up to dinner and drinks when I travel back to England in two days.  He has invited your mother as well.  I just wanted to inform you that we will be attending."

"Yes, Father!"  I say happily.  "I remember!  I really liked Draco when we talked at the world cup."

"I also expect you to be on your best behaviour.  The Malfoys are a very powerful family and if we can have relations with them, that would be wonderous for my career and the family's well being," my father adds.  

"Yes, Father."

"Lucius...," my father trails off.  "...also mentioned that his son was quite taken with you."

I feel my face get hot.  

"What?" I gasp.

"He tells me in this letter that Draco has taken quite a liking to you.  He hopes that you two can be friends."

"I think that can be arranged, Father," I reply.  "I'm going to go and pack.  We'll be gone for a few days, yes?"

Father nods and I rush back up the stairs, my heart nearly jumping at the thought of seeing Draco again.  


Draco's POV:

Today's the night I get to see y/n again.  I'm nearly shaking as I fix my tie and I hear a knock at the door of my bedroom.

"Come in!" I call.  I hear the doorknob turn and the door open and in walks my mother.

"Are you almost ready, Draco?" she asks.  "The y/l/ns will be here any minute!"

"Yes, mother," I say, still struggling with the tie.

"Come, Draco," she says, reaching her arms out.  "Let me help..."

He walks forward and take my tie in her hands and reties it perfectly.  

"How do you do that?" I ask, astonished at how effortlessly she finished the knot.

"Lucius has had me tie his tie since before you were born, Draco.  I'm more experienced than you are.  Come along, now.  We must be downstairs when they arrive," she stakes my hand and pulls me out of the room, closing the door behind her.  I follow her downstairs.  My hands are cold and clammy from nervousness.  "Calm down, Draco.  You have no reason to be uneasy.  You two had a marvellous time at the world cup from what Lucius tells me and you will have just as good a time now."

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