Living Together

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Description: You and Draco got married after Hogwarts.  You're both 23 and living together and lately, your relationship has been a bit rocky, and it finally explodes in a fight.  Much to your surprise, the argument has an unexpected ending...

House:  You Choose, but it doesn't matter because you're not at Hogwarts anymore.

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings: Swearing


It's five o'clock.  Time to start dinner.  You walk into the kitchen and go to the fridge and take out your ingredients.  You go over to a drawer to get out a frying pan and open it to find baking ingredients.  

"What?" you gasp to yourself.  You move over one drawer to where the spices usually are.  Kitchen utensils sit there.  You get up and run around the kitchen.  Everything isn't where it should be.  Nothing is how you organized it. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!!!!" 

You run out of the kitchen and find yourself face to face with your husband.

"Did you reorganize the kitchen, Draco?" you ask, trying to conceal your anger.

"Yeah.  I was trying to pitch in.  You're always telling me to be more proactive..." he says, smiling.  "Do you like it?"

"Draco..." you say.  "No.  I don't.  I can't find anything anymore...  At this rate, I won't have dinner ready by six..."   

"Well," he says bitterly, turning his back on you.  "I can see how it is.  The one time I pitch in you say it's not good enough!"

"Draco... It's just that I can't find anything!  It's going to take me weeks to figure out what is where..."

 "Is it that hard for you to take my feelings into consideration before you do stupid shit like this?"

"Come on, y/n!  I was only tidying up!" Draco complains.  "I don't understand why you're so mad!  I was just tidying up!"

"You reorganizing the entire kitchen is not tidying up!"

"Well, thanks for being so ungrateful!" Draco snaps.

"I'm sorry, Draco, but it's an absolute nuisance!  Nothing is where I can find it!" you shoot back, feeling the anger pulse through your veins.

"I don't see what the big deal is, y/n!  Calm down!"

"I will not calm down!  For the past five months, all you've done is make things harder!  You leave your dirty clothes everywhere, you never clean up after yourself!  There are only two people living here and if you don't pitch in, I'm stuck with all the shitty jobs while you're off partying with Blaise and Theo!" you yell, your ears turning red.  "And thanks for messing up my kitchen!  It'll take me twice as long to make your dinner every night!  It wouldn't kill you to help once In a while!"

"Y/n!" Draco shouts.

"Save it, Draco!  All I am now is your slave!  What happened to us?  Why did I suddenly become your maid instead of your girlfriend?" you ask, starting to cry.  

"Oh, please y/n!  Stop playing the victim!  You hog the bed!"

"You snore!" you reply, bitterly.  "...and you always leave the toilet seat up."

"I've told you time and time again, I'm trying to remember!" he says, gritting his teeth.

"Well, you aren't remembering hard enough!"

"Y/n, you're blowing this way out of proportion... please let's calm down for a sec-" he tries to reason.

"No, Draco.  I will not.  I can't stand you right now," you say, walking into the living room.  

"Wait, y/n!" Draco says.

"Stop, Draco," you say softly.  "I think we need some time apart..."

"What?" Draco mouths.  "Y/n..."

"I said... we need to be apart for a bit.  This isn't working... living together...  I don't know what it is...  I think we should live separately for three days" you say, the tension in the air heavy.

"Y/n, please...." he gasps, petrified.  He didn't want the argument to go this far.  He jumped in too deep.  "Please!  Let's talk about this!  Babe... please.  I-I didn't mean to-"

"No, Draco.  I don't want to talk about this now.  I'll see you in three days.  Take what's yours and go," you say, lowering your gaze to the floor.

Draco sighs and walks towards you, swiftly grabbing you by your legs and slinging you over his muscular shoulder. You gasp, surprised at his gesture as he holds you securely in place with his strong arms and turns around and starts to walk.   You come to your senses again quickly.

"D-Draco?" you whisper, stirring against his grip in vain. "L-Let me go...!  I told you we need to be apa-"

"No, y/n," Draco replies, walking out the door and kicking it closed it behind him.  "You said to take what's mine and go.  I'm only following orders."

"God, I love you, you beautiful bastard."

"I love you, too."


A/N: This chapter was 803 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Hope you enjoyed!  Requests open.

- Soiea

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