Unbreakable Pt. 1

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This imagine was requested by LilMochisjagiya!  This imagine request will be fulfilled in two parts!

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood

Warning:  Scene Depicting Child Abuse


Third Person POV:

The table-sized clock on the dark oak table chimes midnight in the Slytherin common room as the lively fire crackles cheerfully in the fireplace.  Wrapped up in a blanket, the Slytherin King sits in the largest black leather sofa with his queen in his arms. Ahe hums lightly as he pulls her closer, melting into his embrace while he twirls a lock of her hair around his index finger.  Draco takes a deep breath in and looks down at y/n, positively beaming.

It's been almost year and a half since y/n and Draco officially got together, and, by default, became the power couple of the school.  They were the two most popular people in Slytherin; y/n had her caring, considerate personality and a soft voice that made every guy swoon paired with Draco who had his bad boy reputation with an addictive, rebellious charisma to match seemed like a perfect pair to the entire student body.  Everyone knew they'd get together eventually, even though it'd probably take forever because of Draco.

Draco fell for y/n first.  Hard.  He was completely head over heels and it was no joke. He found her kindness and her beauty alluring.  Since they were in the same house, they were constantly in close proximity and, since first year, Draco acknowledged he had a small crush on y/n, but he always had it under control because of what his father had always told him since he was a little boy: "No girls, no exceptions." 

Finally, in fourth year, Draco and y/n got assigned potions partners and Draco couldn't hide his feelings anymore.  With all the extra time he spent with y/n, he realised that he was even more in love with her than he thought.  He loved everything about her, her laugh, her personality, her sense of humour, how she'd always pat him on the back after a double block of potions and say he did a good job.  Her kindness was infectious and he'd always have a smile on his face when she was around.  In potions, he'd take small glances at her as her hair would fall to the side every time she'd go in and adjust her cauldron.  Every so often, she'd catch him looking at her, smile and ask if he needed help, prompting Draco's cheeks to turn bright red.  He'd stammer a shaky "yes" and she'd come over to help stir his potion and he'd stand there awkwardly, unsure what to do with his crush so close.  As much as he'd like to call himself completely confident with social interacting with girls, Draco was one of the most awkward when it came to romance and any feared the Draco and y/n thing would never happen in a million years.

After many more painful months of Draco being on the verge of asking y/n out every day, he finally took her on their first date to Hogsmeade in September of fifth year and it was a huge success.  A few months later they were still going strong and as the December snow blanketed Hogsmeade completely they had mugs of warm butterbeer inside the Three Broomsticks, laughed at the other's jokes, and never stopped or hesitated for a second to see if this relationship this felt right.  After walking out to the outskirts of town, Draco and y/n paused on a bench to take in the view of the town, the small flames within the lanterns and the shop windows glowing brightly in the distance.  With a smile on his face, Draco spontaneously kissed y/n on the lips and sparks flew.  When she kissed him back, he knew he made the right choice.  They just automatically clicked and from then on, they were inseparable and completely in love. Nothing could tear them apart.

The stone between the common room and the hallway slides open and a group of girls comes in, returning from the monthly party hosted in the Room of Requirement.  They traipse in, giggling frivolously and holding their heels in their hands.

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