Meeting Her Pt. 1

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Your House: You Choose (You're from Ilvermorny)

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warnings: None

y/l/n = Your Last Name 

y/d/n = Your Dad's Name

y/m/n = Your Mom's Name


Third Person POV:

It was a sunny day in the summer but Malfoy Manor was as dark as ever.

"Draco!" Lucius Malfoy called up the stairs to his son.  

Soon, Draco Malfoy came strutting down the stairs.

"Yes, Father?" he asked proudly.

"We shall be having guests over for dinner tonight," Lucius explains.

"Yes, Father," Draco replies.

"They are the y/l/n family," Lucius continues.

"Wait, Father.  The y/l/n family?  The y/l/n family?  Here?" Draco asked, bewildered and surprised.

"Yes, Draco.  The most celebrated pureblood family in America will be coming to our humble little manor for dinner and drinks tonight." Lucius said as he sat down in an armchair.  "As you know, my son.  The head of the family, Mister y/d/n y/l/n, is the ambassador for the Magical Congress of the United States of America.  It is imperative that we set a good example for the Ministry, but most importantly, we must be able to sway him into stopping the spread of Arthur Weasley's hideously stupid and unreasonable Muggle Protection Act to the American government!  I can't believe that matter has been dragged out this long!"  

"Yes, father.  The Ministry should have shot Weasley's idea the moment it landed on anyone's desk!" Draco replied to his father.

"They will be here in about a half an hour.  Go put on your suit, Draco.  You must look your best."

With that, Draco headed upstairs to prepare for the y/l/n's arrival.

About thirty minutes later, there was a knock at the door.  Draco's mother, Narcissa, opened the door carefully.  Lucius Malfoy walked forward to greet their guests.  In walk three people.  A very tall man with broad shoulders brown hair goes up and shakes Lucius's hand.  A woman follows him and shakes's Narcissa's hand, too.  The last person to walk in is y/n.  She wore a simple black dress and tan t-strap high heels.  She wore a beautiful silver necklace.  Her hair was tucked casually behind her ears and fell gently on her shoulders, causing Draco to stand mindlessly for a second as he took in the sight of the beautiful girl in front of him.  

"Ahem!" Lucius coughed at Draco.  Draco snapped out of his trance and immediately went up to her, took her hand and kissed it gently, bowing to her in the process.  She blushed slightly and giggled softly.

"Ahh, a gentleman I see," the man said as he nodded to Draco.  "y/d/n y/l/n.  This is my wife y/m/n and this is y/n, my one and only daughter. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr Malfoy.  I trust we will get along very well."

"No, no, the pleasure is ours," Lucius replied.  

The pleasure is ours is right, Draco thinks, staring at y/n.


A/N:  This chapter was 533 words long.  Wow.  The imagines are getting shorter and shorter.  Please comment requests or suggestions!  Thanks for reading!

- Soiea

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