He Makes Three

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  This is just a quick and cute Draco short, not like the regular, long imagines that I post, but never the less, it's very cute!  This short takes place after Hogwarts!


Standing in the drawing room of Malfoy Manor, you stand in front of Draco, your hands firmly on his shoulders

"But, babe!" Draco says hesitantly for a second.  His hands shake nervously, but you take them in yours. 

"It'll be fine," you say reassuringly.  "You won't hurt it I promise you, Draco."

You take his hands firmly in yours and you lower them down to your stomach, but he takes them back holding them in front of his chest.

"Are you sure about this?  What if I'm clumsy!  You know I can be clumsy sometimes!  I don't think I can do this!  Maybe we should just wait until it's out safely and then I can touch it.  Actually, no!  I'm not going to touch it at all!  I can't risk its safety.  It's too important," he decides, nodding his dead.

"Draco...  You're not going to hurt our child, now come here.  I want you to.  Please?" you ask.  He sighs, grappling in his mind whether or not he should or shouldn't.  You sigh and take his hands again, guiding them down to your stomach.  His palms facing upwards, you place his hands firmly on the underside of the large bump.

"Wow," he gasps, gazing down at your stomach.  "I can't believe our child is inside here..."

"I know, Draco.  Me, too," you laugh softly.  "Wait a moment and you'll feel it move in there."

"Really?" he asks, looking up at you.

"Yes, Draco.  The baby is technically alive as of right now," you smile.  You both wait a moment and nothing happens.

"Well, I don't think it'll move for me right now.  Maybe the baby is too busy to kick or do anything in there," Draco says nervously, starting to take his hands away again, but you shake your head quickly to stop him from doing so.  "But I don't want to pressure it, y/n..."

"Wait, Draco.  You'll feel it.  I promise," you say softly.  "Hold on one more second. I know one's coming."

You look up at him as he stares down at your stomach and you watch as he begins to smile in amazement.  His mouth hangs open and he looks up at you excitedly.

"You feel that, y/n?!" Draco asks.  You nod.

"Of course I did.  It's our child in there," you smile happily.

"I can't believe it, y/n," he laughs.  "You're actually pregnant.  We are going to have a child and raise it together in this house."

"It's amazing, really," you sigh, walking over and sitting down slowly on a couch nearby.  Draco follows and sits down next to you, resting his left hand on your stomach again.

"We're going to be parents...  It's all I've ever wanted," he says, stroking his hand across your baby bump.

"I'm so excited for it," you reply.

"Hey, y/n?"  he asks.

"What is it, Draco?" you say back.

"Would it be weird if I talked to the baby?"

"No," you laugh.  "Of course it wouldn't."

You lean back to give him space and he lowers his head down to your stomach, kissing it once and smiling.

"Hey, there," he says softly.  "It's your dad here.  I just want you to know that when you come out, you're going to be the most loved baby in the whole entire world.  Even though you're unborn and I can't see your face, I know you're going to be our beautiful child.  I can't wait to meet you."

You smile as he sits up again and kisses you firmly and passionately on the lips.

"So what are we going to name the kid, Draco?" you ask as Draco wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"Well, I was thinking Anastasia or something like that if it comes out a girl... or Scorpius if it comes out as a boy, but we won't know that for a while." he sighs.

"Scorpius?" you ask.  "Where'd you get that name?"

"It's a constellation," he replies.  "You hate it, don't you?"

"What?  No!" you say quickly.  "I love the name. It's very Malfoy.  Just as your father expects.  I think we'll be going with that name, too, if you don't mind."

"But we don't know the sex of the baby, y/n," Draco says quickly.

"No, we do.  It's a boy," you smile.

"Oh my god!' Draco gasps.  "I'm going to have a son!  I'm going to have a son!"  

You smile and he cups your face with his hands, kissing you full on the lips.  he breaks it reluctantly and grins as he presses his forehead to yours.

"Thank you, y/n," he whispers.  

"It's a pleasure.  I must say though, I am so ready to have this baby and be able to live normally without the extra weight on my front," you admit.  "I love being pregnant, but I really just want to hold our son in my arms."

"Me, too, y/n.  Me, too," Draco says.

"I love you, Draco," you say softly, resting your head on his shoulder.

"I love you, too, y/n.  I always will," he replies, closing his eyes gently and letting you fall asleep in his arms.


A/N:  This short was 848 words long!  Thanks for reading!  More chapters coming soon!

- Soiea

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