Different From All the Rest Pt. 1

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Description: In this world, being gay is the norm and heterosexuality is deemed societally unacceptable or by some, a mental illness.

House: You Choose

Blood Status: You Choose 


First Person POV:

I can't help it.  I know it's wrong but I can't deny it.  I shouldn't be having these feelings... Can't I just be normal?  Is that too much to ask?  I shouldn't feel like this. It isn't okay... It isn't normal. Stop it y/n. Stop staring! It's wrong.. You shouldn't have these feelings. What would your dads and moms think? This is unacceptable! Oh, who am I kidding? I can't control it... I know it's wrong... I can't help how he makes me feel and he's just sitting there! Why can't I be like normal girls and want to be with them, too. Who am I kidding? Draco will never like me. He's normal. Oh, look at him over there he's being so cute with Harry... They're the perfect couple.

"Harry!" Draco exclaims as Harry leans over and begins to tickle his neck. "Stop it! Please!"

"Come on, Draco. You know you love it when I tickle you!" Harry eggs on.

I look over at them longingly and exhale deeply. Why can't I be like everyone else at Hogwarts? I look around and see all the girlfriends with their girlfriends and all the boyfriends with their boyfriends.

"It's hopeless...," I sigh.

I look over to the door to the Great Hall and see two of my friends Luna and Ginny walking in, holding hands.

"Hi, y/n!" Ginny calls over to me. I wave them over and they sit down across from me.

"Hey, you two. How was yesterday's date?" I ask a bit solemnly.

"It was wonderful! Our one year anniversary couldn't have gone better! Ginny and I snuck out to Hogsmeade and we had a lovely romantic dinner," Luna says, kissing her girlfriend lightly on the cheek.

"I'm so glad. You two really are a great couple," I say with a slight smile.

"Is something wrong, y/n?" Ginny asks. "You seem a bit off today."

"I'm fine, really," I reply.

"I think I know what it is, Ginny," Luna says. "I think y/n's sad because we're talking about our anniversary dinner...."

"N-No. It's not that!" I reply, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, y/n! I'm sorry!" Ginny exclaims.

"It's not that... Really, you two. I'm so happy for you that you're celebrating your anniversary. It's a real milestone!" I say awkwardly.

"Come on, Ginny! I think I have an idea!" Luna says, getting up. "We'll be back in a bit y/n! See you in the common room later!"

"Wait!" I call, but Luna and Ginny are almost gone.


Quietly, I sit in the courtyard, scribbling in my sketchbook. I've been sitting here for about an hour and none of my drawing are satisfactory. Grumbling, I rip out the piece of drawing paper and throw it on the ground.

"Y/n!" Luna shouts, running over to me with Ginny.

"Oh. Hey!" I call back. "What's up?"

"We has an idea! It's why we left yesterday. We thought since you were so sad yesterday, we should set you up!" Ginny says happily.

"Yeah! We felt like we were rubbing our relationship in your face and that made us feel really bad so we got you a date! It's about time you got together with someone! You haven't had a girlfriend at all yet! Every girl has to have some school-day girlfriend!" Luna adds on.

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