Our Place Pt. 2

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Description:  This chapter was requested by cherylblossomed!

House:  None

Blood Status:  Pureblood


Third Person POV:

"So, uh, y/n.  Where have you been all these years?" Draco asks softly.

" We ended up moving to Australia, Draco.  My mother homeschooled me and my father took away my owl.  I wasn't allowed to leave our estate.  Not even to go get something from the store," y/n says, sitting down.  Draco sits beside her and she rests her head on his chest.  "I didn't have any friends.  All I could do when I wasn't studying was walk around the house and garden."

"That sounds awful, y/n...  I can't imagine what that would be like," Draco says, gazing into her eyes.

"I missed you every day when I was gone, Draco.  I missed seeing you here each day.  I missed being able to talk with you.  You were my only friend and then I couldn't see you again.  I had nobody.  Father was always out working and my mother never really paid any attention to me, really.  It was quite lonesome...," she trails off.

"I missed you just as much y/n.  It hurt every day I couldn't be with you...  I longed for your company constantly, y/n..." Draco cries, his breath beginning to go shaky.  He lowers his heads into his hands and tears begin to fall.  "I started to think that you were gone forever... that something had happened to you.  I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life.  I thought about all the things I wanted to say to you and all the things I wanted to do with you each and every minute...  I thought I wouldn't be able to tell you that I love you!"

"Shh..." y/n says softly, taking him in her arms.  "I'm here now, Draco.  I'm here.  You have nothing to worry about anymore.  I'm here, Draco.  Stop fretting.  Now that I'm free from my father's control, we can be together.  Cheer up, Draco.  I'm never leaving again..."

"Really, y/n?" he whimpers.

"Yes, Draco," she nods.  


"Never, Draco..." she replies with a soft smile, running her fingers through his soft, blonde hair.  "I promise."  


Sitting on the couch in Malfoy Manor three weeks after reuniting with Draco, y/n thumbs through the unsent letters from Draco over the years.  She was currently just finishing the first year becasue some days when she was still away in Australia, Draco would write to her and save it twice.  She loved going through the letters.  Drace truly documented everything.

June 7th, 1992

Dear y/n,

I miss you so much.  You have no idea...  I think I might be going a bit crazy, to be honest with you. My birthday was two days ago.  I wrote to you then as well.  It was uneventful without you y/n.  None of my new friends are like you.  I know I've been telling you that for months, but it's true.  You're really special, y/n and it's bittersweet to remember the fun times.  Remember when you summoned those brooms and we played a two-person version of Quidditch?  We kept forgetting all the rules...  I keep remembering that each time Hogwarts has a game.  I think I'll go out for the team next year.  Slytherin has to win.  I'm gonna be a seeker.  You know that I'm rubbish with a Quaffle (and a beaters bat... the snitch really is my speciality,y/n).   Everyone's talking about how Harry Potter and his friends went on this huge adventure altogether and saved all of Hogwarts.  It's getting boring, y/n.  I can't stand everyone who says Harry Potter-this and Harry Potter-that.  Don't people have more important things to talk about?  I guess him going on this 'adventure' makes me think about us.  I wish we could do something like that together.  Go out in the word and do something big, something life-changing.  Oh, well.  When I come back to the manor for the summer, I'll be sure to go back to the clearing and wait for you.  I know that I can't send these letters... I don't even know where I'd send them, but I'll be there if you do come back.  I'll always wait for you, y/n.  You're my best friend...  Maybe even more...

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