Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 3

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Description: This imagine was requested by Malfoytwin and TheRealLilyTommo!

House: Gryffindor

Blood Status: Pureblood


Third Person POV:

Ginny whirls around to see her brother, Percy, coming up on her angrily in the halls she rolls her eyes and turns back around, wanting him to go away. He grabs her shoulder roughly and forces her back around to face him.

"Stop it, Ginny!" he snaps at her.

"Stop what?" she spits coldly at her bother.

"Acting insane like this! We all hate seeing you like this, y/n included," he sighs.

"Well, maybe y/n should think before she betrays her family!"

"Y/n hasn't betrayed us in any way! She's going out and having fun like she should! It's you who's causing the problems, Ginny. You've been acting like this from the start. Can't you be happy for y/n with the rest of us? She's the happiest she's been since she got her Hogwarts letter," Percy tries to reason. "I don't care if it's because of Malfoy. If he's the key, I'm all for it, considering how things were."

"What do you mean by that? 'How things were?'" Ginny says angrily.

"You know! Mum and Dad don't like to admit it but they have their favourites! You're Mum and Dad's favourite daughter! You've always been treated better! You've always gone and done stuff with our parents and left y/n alone in your room. They've brought you things even though we really couldn't afford it, too. Mum even bought you a brand new dress for the Yule Ball and y/n sewed hers by herself. Face it, Ginny! Y/n has always been your little sister in your eyes. You've always gotten everything because our parents favour the eldest of the bunch and now that little y/n finally has something you don't, you're jealous!" Percy says, frustrated with his sister. Ginny pauses and rips Percy's hand off of her shoulder.

"So what if I am?" she says slowly.

"What?" Percy whispers.

"So what if I am? He won't keep her long... I'll be sure of it. There's no way y/n can have a successful relationship...," Ginny sighs with a laugh.

"Ginny... What did you do?" Percy grunts.

"Oh, originally it was harmless. I only stole her jewellery before the Yule ball and replaced her hair care product, but now I see it fit to end their relationship. Mum and Dad are out of their minds to allow them to stay together. It's not right," Ginny giggles. "I'm only doing it to save y/n from herself. It's obvious she doesn't know what she's doing so I planted a breakup note from Draco for y/n and gave Crabbe a note from y/n to Draco to give him. Both say that the other disgusts them and I'm sure by the end of the day, things will be back how they should and I can go console my sister with a good 'I told you so' that she perfectly deserves."

"Ginny! How could you?!" Percy gasps, almost doubling over in shock at his sister's actions. "Y/n was finally happy! How could you break your own sister's heart?!"

"SHUT UP PERCY! I have my reasons and what's done is done," Ginny says harshly, turning away and strutting down the hall.

"Your reasons are nothing, Ginny," Percy whispers, running the other way to find his other sister. "I've gotta tell y/n."


Y/n sighs, lifting her head up off of Draco's shoulder.

"Hey, you," Draco says.

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