How Long Will I Love You?

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Description: This is sort of a song imagine.  I have attached a video of the audio of "How Long Will I Love You?" by Ellie Goulding.  This is my first time doing this sort of image and it'll be a bit sort.   Please enjoy!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


It's the night of the Hogwarts Open Mic, the annual opportunity for Hogwarts students to showcase their talents.  It can be anything, storytelling, stand up comedy, whatever the performer wants.   The Great Hall was decorated and set up with a backstage and a performance area in the front.  The house tables are gone and replaced by rows and rows of benches.  On the side stage behind the wings are various sets of microphones, props, and many sorts of instruments, including a grand piano.  Backstage, you twiddle your fingers as other students nervously practice their acts.  Pansy Parkinson is not-so-quietly warming up her vocals in hopes of impressing some of the Slytherin boys.  She's currently trying to build her confidence back up because Draco rejected her for you the previous year.  You peak through the curtains out into the house.  She spots Draco sitting in the front close to the stage with his friends.  He spots you gazing at him from the heavy, black curtains and waves at you.  You wave back and disappear into the wings again.  

"Break a leg, y/n," Neville Longbottom says.  You smile at him and nod.

"Thanks, Neville," you reply.  "How's production going?"

"It's going okay...  Parkinson has been making some requests...  She wants a special sort of imported tea and honey made with filtered water... or... something...," he says.  "I-I don't know what to do...."

"She's just trying to show off today.  Ignore her, Neville," you say.  He smiles in thanks and goes away.  

"Are you ready, Hogwarts?!" Lee Jordan shouts from the stage out into the crowd of people seated in the Great Hall.  "Welcome to Hogwarts Open Mic!"

The crowd explodes cheers. 

"We have a great line up today!  Now, put your hands together for Padma Patil!" he says, waving Padma onstage.  She's wearing a dress and dance shoes.  Lee walks towards you and starts the music and the showcase begins.


The acts this year have been far better than last year's.  A Hufflepuff showcased her owl training talent.  A Ravenclaw played the xylophone, the Gryffindor band performed as well as the school chorus.  Cormac McLaggen tried to do a stand-up act but ended up insulting everyone in the room and was eventually booed off the stage.  Luna presented original poems about the  wrackspurts and nargles of Hogwarts and then it was your turn.  

"Thank you!" Luna says whimsically as a few members of the audience clap, most of them confused about what they just heard.

"That was great, Luna!  What about those nargles though!  Now, please welcome y/n y/l/n!" Lee says.

"Y/n, you're up," Neville says to you as Seamus and Lee Jordan roll out the Grand piano and set a microphone and a bench next to it.  You walk on into the bright, white lights and the students clap.  You look over to Draco, who is clapping the hardest and smiling the widest.  You grab the microphone from the stand and face the audience.

"Hi, everyone," you say, a bit unsteady with all the unusual attention.  "Like he said... I'm y/n. Today I will be playing the piano and singing a song....  Um..  I dedicate this song to Draco and I think it sums up what I've been trying to tell him for a long time, now...  So please enjoy!"

The audience claps and Draco stirs in his seat, paying his full attention to you.  You put the microphone back on the stand and sit down in front of the ivory and black coloured keys.  You bring the mic towards your mouth and hover your hands over the keys. 

(*A/N: This would be when to start the song if you'd like*) 

You press down on the keys lightly and begin to hum. Preparing yourself to sing, you take in a small breath.

"How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you

And longer, if I can."

Your voice shakes a little, still a bit jittery from the pressure of performing in front of Hogwarts.  You keep your eyes on the keys and open your mouth again.

"How long will I need you?

As long as the seasons need to

Follow their plan.

 How long will I be with you?

As long as the sea is bound to...

Wash up on the sand.

How long will I want you?

As long as you want me to.

And longer by far...

How long will I hold you?

As long as your father told you,

As long as you can..."

You glance over to Draco as you sing...  He's beaming brightly, on the verge of tears, taken by the lyrics and your piano playing.

"How long will I give to you?

As long as I live through you.

However long you say!

How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you

And longer, if I may."

You start to hum into the microphone softly, the audience utterly captivated.

"How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you..."

You hit the last note on the piano as you finish your words.  The students are silent for a moment.  Did they think badly of your performance?  They blow up with cheers and applause and give you a standing ovation.  You gasp, laughing a bit.  You see Draco rush forward towards you.  He climbs up onto the stage and flings his arms around you, pulling you into a kiss, gripping your waist tightly.  You feel him grinning and smirking through the kiss.  The entirety of Hogwarts claps at Draco's display of affection, even if it is him.  Even the teachers are applauding.  He finishes the kiss and stares into your eyes.

"How long will I love you?"  Draco sings into your ear softly enough so that only you can hear it.

"As long as stars are above you..." you reply, singing back.  He brings you into another kiss, the background of the students clapping fading until it's only you two in the moment.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,072 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests open!   Hope you enjoyed this experimental imagine!

- Soiea

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