Innocence Pt. 2

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Description:  This imagine was requested by Irene_Lycant!

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  You Choose


Sitting together on a window sill in the halls of Hogwarts, Draco pulls you down into his lap and wraps his arms around your waist gently.  You bring your hands up to his chest and tug at his yellow and black striped tie.  He laughs and brings his lips down to yours, kissing you softly.  Grinning, you return his gesture and cup his face with your hands lightly, making him sigh and relax into the kiss.  He leans back onto the stone wall, letting you slide further onto his lap and you cross your legs toward him.  As you continue to kiss, Draco's kisses get hungrier and you pull back for a second.

"What's this Draco?  First, you disregard your own anti-PDA rule and then you go rougher...  Someone's a rebel today," you whisper playfully, mildly surprised.  He laughs shortly and reconnects your lips, cradling your head in one of his hands, while the other one comes to rest on your back.  Completely unaware of anyone other than Draco, you don't notice his group of Hufflepuffs come and surround your spot by the window until Hannah Abbott clears her throat in annoyance.

"Ahem!" she coughs and you slowly remove your lips from Draco's.

"Hey, you all," Draco says.  "What's wrong?"

The Hufflepuffs all frown.

"You know what's wrong, Draco," Susan Bones says softly.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Ernie Macmillan says, crossing his arms.

"It's her," Zacharias Smith says.  "She's the problem.  Look at what she's done to you.  Making out in the halls like that?  It's obscene!"

"Come on, Zacharias, if you had a girlfriend, you'd probably be doing this!" Draco says back calmly.

"No, I wouldn't.  Sure, I'd kiss her on the cheek now and then, but not snogging!  You two were all over each other!  I'm pretty sure I saw some tongue in there, too!  Disgusting!" 

"She's changed you!" Susan adds on.  "I remember last week we had a study group planned and you cancelled last minute because y/n wanted to sneak out to Hogsmeade!"

"And you missed Quidditch practice the other day for the second time in a row!" Ernie pipes up.  "We can't have a good team if one-seventh of the team is unprepared!"

"You've started to spend less time studying and your grades have dropped!  You don't have any time to spend time with us either!  You hang with the Slytherins now!" Hannah says, frustrated.

"Come on, I spend plenty of time with you!  I'm in the same house!"  Draco says, looking at his Hufflepuff friends for agreeing nods, but the group of Hufflepuffs shake their heads.

"Face the truth, Draco.  It's because of her.  She's done this to you and I can't believe you're together," Zacharias sighs.  "She's evil and no good... a bad influence!  This isn't healthy."

"But what if I like being with her?" Draco asks, keeping a firm grip on your waist.  "What is she makes me happy?  Are you going to try to rip her away from me?"

Draco's friends all look at each other.  They hadn't expected Draco to argue with them during their intervention.

"Well?" Draco asks.  Susan is the first one to shake her head and Hannah follows.  Zacharias takes a step back, scowling at the two girls.

"Are you really going to just let him go and let him ruin himself?!" he shouts.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Blaise Zabini calls, smirking as Crabbe, Goyle, Theodore, pansy, and her group of girls follow close behind.  "Causing any trouble, y/n?"

"Oh, Smith here called me a 'bad influence' on Draco...," you sigh, connecting your lips with Draco's.  He doesn't fight it and kisses you back.  The Hufflepuffs squirm uncomfortably.  "But I personally don't think I'm a 'bad' influence...  I think I'm just different compared to the company he usually has.  Plus, don't think he minds it all that much...  After all, we've been together all this time and he's never complained about me...  He seems satisfied with what he has."

"Did you really say that, Smith?" Blaise asks, turning to Zacharias who nods in return.  "You dare insult y/n?"

"She's changed one of my best friends for the worse.  I can't stand by and let that happen to him!  I can't let him become y/n's little boy toy!" Zacharias shoots back angrily, nostrils flaring.

"Oh, but he's not a boy toy, Smith," you sigh, pulling Draco in closer.  "He's my boyfriend and we're great together!  Personally, I think his life has improved if anything.  He's not so naïve.  You all remember how he was?   He was sheltered to the point where he almost knew nothing about the real world.  Draco was positively as squishy as a marshmallow.  I'm not denying that he was awfully cute, but it was going to hurt him in the end, so I'm really doing him a favour in the bigger picture along with being his one and only.  He's still the same Draco, he still loves cooking and laughing.  He still loves to play Quidditch and reading, it's just that he has a slightly different perspective on it all.  He's like he's always been."

"But-" Ernie starts to say, but Draco puts his hand up.

"Sorry, Ernie.  I'm happy with her.  She makes me smile and happy all day.  She supports me and I support her.  It's a real relationship and I love being with her," Draco says.  "Yeah.  I guess I have changed a bit, but it's because I'm finally getting out.  My mother and father have always been disappointed in me because I got sorted into Hufflepuff, and I'm not saying I hate being a Hufflepuff, but my father is finally talking to me again.  Y/n's helped my relationship with my father and she's done some much more for me.  And have a little faith in me, please.  I know that I'm doing.  Thanks for caring so much, but I've got this from here."

Draco's Hufflepuff friends sigh in disappointment.

"Draco, I'd hate for you to get hurt or lose sight of who you truly are, so please be careful for me?" Hannah asks.  Draco nods confidently.

"See you at dinner, Draco.  I heard it's your favourite kind of cake for dessert tonight." Susan says with a soft smile as and his friends turn away and proceed down the hall.  Once they've left, Theo turns to you and Draco.

"You alright?  That was unexpected," Theo says.  You nod.

"I'm fine.   Thanks for defending me and our relationship, Draco," you say.

"Of course.  You're one of the best thing's that's ever happened to me, y/n.  I'll defend you with my life.  Even if they don't support me being with you, I'll stick by your side no matter what," Draco says happily with his little smile that he always has on his face.

"Oh, you!" you laugh, squeezing your arms around him tightly.  "You cheesy little Hufflepuff!"

"Well, it's one of the hallmarks of my personality," he replies.

"Ugh!  You're such a little marshmallow!" you exclaim ask he kissed your cheek enthusiastically.  You get up off of him and he lifts you up on his back.  He dashes away from the pack of Slytherins, giving you a piggyback ride as you squeal happily.


A/N:  This chapter was 1,128 words long! Thanks for reading!

- Soiea

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