Ethics Pt. 2

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


"Hey, y/n!" Draco says cheerfully as you and the other students file into Hogsmeade.

"Hello, Draco," you reply softly.  Today was your third date with Draco since you saved him from Professor Moody.  You were genuinely excited.  The last couple of dates were really fun, but you could always feel everyone's eyes on you.  It made you nervous.  Even though you were with Draco, the people who would stare always made the dates feel weird.

"Are you okay, y/n?" he asks, taking your hand in his.

"W-What?  Yeah...  I'm good, Draco," you reply.  "Where should we go?"

"How about the Three Broomsticks again?" 

You nod at his suggestion and he pulls you towards the small pub.  He swings the door open to reveal a warmly lit room with rough wooden tables and booths.  A fire on either side of the pub is lit and is in full blaze.  Draco reaches behind you and removes your coat from your shoulders. 

"Thanks, Draco," you blush.  He's actually acting pretty sweet, despite usually being a slimy unpleasant sort of guy for most people.  You feel the eyes of the people in the Three Broomsticks looking at you, trying bore holes through the jacket Draco had taken off of you.

"Let's go sit down, y/n," he says, leading you over to a booth in the corner.  You both sit down and he waves over a server.  "Two butterbeers, please."

The waiter nods and disappears behind the counter.  

Draco sighs and smiles across the table to you.  Once your butterbeers arrive, you two begin to talk.  You talk about classes, friends, family.

"Father's work at the Ministry means that he's often gone when I'm home from school.  I've gotten used to it," he explains with a shrug.

"That must be hard, Draco," you reply, taking a sip from your mug.  

"I'm so glad that you said yes, y/n," he says, reaching across the table, wrapping his fingers around yours.  You feel your cheeks turn hot.  Nobody's acted this way towards you.  Ever, in fact.  

"I'm glad I did, too Draco.  This has been really fun talking with you,"  You smile, squeezing his hand a bit.  He grins over towards you.  He pays for the dinks and you two leave together, arm in arm.  Up by Honeydukes, you spot Pansy with her group of Slytherin girls.  They're all scoffing and sniggering at you and Pansy has a scow filled with rage.

"Ignore them, y/n...," Draco says calmly.  He pulls you over in front of them and the girls shut up.  "Hello, Pansy."

"Drakie!  I was wondering when you'd show up!  Why's that following you?  Gross!" she gasps. "It's so ugly!"

"Pansy, stop that," Draco says calmly.

"Drakie!  Are you defending that thing?!" she screeches.

"Stop calling y/n a thing!" he snaps at Pansy.

"Drakie, please!" Pansy whines.  "Stop treating her like she's worth anything!  She'll never amount to anything!  You're wasting your time chasing her!  Start looking to be with real women!"

"Please don't say that you mean yourself, Pansy?" he groans.  The smile on her face quickly fades.  A small crowd had started to form, murmuring.

"I-I!  Drakie!  What do you mean by that?" she cries.

"Shut it, Pansy!  You'll never be like y/n!" he shouts at her, staking my hand again.  "Y/n will and has always been a better woman!  She's nice and kind!  She cares for others and their welfare, unlike you!"

Pansys gasps, fuming and stops away with her girls.  The crowd disperses.

"Y/n...," he says slowly.  "Thank you..."

"For what, Draco?"  you ask, confused.

"For giving me the courage to do that.  She always talks about you like that.  Ever since first year.  That's another reason why I've been watching you for a long time.  I had to know what you were like and if what Pansy said was true.  The day you helped me out of that situation with Moody, you made me realise that there's good worth fighting for and that you should stand up for what's right. I never felt good listening to her bad mouth you y/n.  I knew it was wrong for all those years and I never did anything because I was scared of what people might think becasue everybody seemed to agree with her.  You showed me that fighting for what's good is worth it and I am grateful for that," he says.


Before you can say anything he pulls you into his arms.  He holds you tight, causing your head to rest on his chest.  

"Thank you y/n... for showing me that..."


A/N:  This chapter was 750 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests open!

- Soiea

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