Secrets Pt. 1

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Description:  This imagine was requested by YoyoOreo!  You're Harry's twin sister!

House:  You Choose (preferable not Slytherin, but go for it if you're a hardcore Slytherin like me!)

Blood Status:  Half-Blood

Warning:  Swearing


"Ready for another year, y/n?" Harry asks you when filing onto the train.

"I think, so Harry.  I think fifth year is a bit nerve-racking, though, don't you think?" she asks.

"Yeah, y/n.  It is," she replies.  

"Hey, you two!" Hermione says from behind them.  

"I thought we lost you guys for a moment there!" Ron pipes up.  "Let's go find a compartment before they all get filled up!"

You and Hary both nod, going single file into the train.

"Here.  This one's empty," Hermione says, turning into a compartment.  You sit down across from Hermione and Harry sits next to you across from Ron.

"I can't believe Dumbledore kept you from writing us over the break," Harry grumbles.

"Harry, stop dwelling over that.  What's done is done," you say.

"Well, thanks a lot, y/n  I couldn't have asked for a better twin," he grunts.

"Well, you got watcha got, Harry," you laugh and you and the trio smile.  Hermione talks about all the books she's read over the summer and Ron talks about what a prat Percy has turned into.

"He's a menace, really.  This internship is going to his head!" Ron explains.

"Well, well, well..." a voice draws as the sliding door opens up to reveal Draco and his gang of Slytherins.  Y/n's heart skips a beat upon seeing Draco.  You try hard to suppress a smile.  Draco grew a lot over the summer he got taller and more handsome again.

If that's even possible, you think to yourself, also blushing a bit.  You had always liked Draco in some capacity.  You saw him for what he really was: a vulnerable boy hiding behind a  wall of hate and irritable behaviour.

"Looks like your family is doing what it usually does.  Work for no pay am I right?  Is that a Weasley family tradition?  Well, it's not a good one, is it?" Draco laughs and Crabbe and Goyle grunt behind him.

"Shove off, Malfoy!" Ron grunts, clenching his fist so his knuckles turn white.

"Leave us alone!" Harry says, grabbing the door and shoving it closed.   malfoy and his friends all burst into laughter and start to file away.  Draco sticks behind for a second and makes eye contact with you for a moment.  You can tell he's trying to look into your soul and see what's going on.  You return his gaze only to divert your gaze from his when Harry taps you on the shoulder.  "You okay, y/n?"

"What?  Yeah.  I'm fine..." you sigh, watching as the trees go by the window of the train compartment. 


 "Looks live we're here, you guys," you say, getting up and reaching for your satchel.  "Let's go."  

Exiting the compartment, Draco and his gang follow you.

"Oi look!  It's Harry Potter!  I'm surprised you're not locked up!  They probably have a cell with your name on it at this point!" Draco smirks, causing Harry to lunge at him.  Draco stumbles back, not expecting Harry's sudden movement.  You grab Harry's arms swiftly and hold him back.

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now