The Truth Hurts Pt. 2 (Republish)

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This imagine was requested by LouisHazLarrycherylblossomedhpfan7352TamarashabanaCallMe_Slytherin,and  _LustAndLove!

House: Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood

Warning:  Swearing

A/N:  Wattpad deleted my ending again!  This is a republish with a re-written ending.  Thanks!


Third Person POV:

Listening to the seconds tick by in the courtyard, y/n sits by Harry waiting for Hermione and Ron to return from the Halloween Day's Hogsmeade visit.  A faint rumble of footsteps grow nearer and y/n stands up.  Harry grumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets and joins her lazily.  A sudden rush of students returns, excitedly rushing indoors with bright crimson bags of goods from Zonko's and suckers larger than their heads.  Y/n points through the crowd to Ron who is wearing one of his maroon Weasley sweaters and raises her arm to wave them over.  Ron smiles eagerly and pulls Hermione along by her arm as they rush towards Harry and Y/n.

"How was it, you two?" y/n asks as Hermione and Ron come back smiling with a heard of other students.  "Did Hogsmeade treat you well?"

"Oh yes!  it was so much fun!  Honeydukes is full of all the candy you could ever imagine!  It was absolutely...., " Hermione trails off, quickly looking down at the floor as she sees the look on Harry's face.  "Oh, I'm so sorry, Harry...  I'm sure they'll let you go next time."

"It's fine," Harry says cooly, taking a deep breath to conceal his disappointment.  "I'm glad you both had fun.  Y/n was good company."

"Thanks, Harry," y/n smiles and shivers in her coat a slight bit.  "Let's go back inside.  The October air is getting to me."

"Yeah.  We have a bit of time until dinner and I have that Transfiguration essay to start so I think I'll go back to the common room," Ron sighs walking into the entrance hall and towards the grand staircase.

"You haven't started your essay?" Hermione gasps.  "It's due tomorrow, Ronald!  Professor McGonagall will be furious."

"Just because you started it a week and a half ago doesn't mean that I had to!" Ron sighs with an eye roll, trying to defend himself while walking ahead of Hermione and the others to disengage.  

"Looks like we'll be a while, y/n," Harry sighs.  

"That's fine...," she sighs.  "I'll walk with you to your common room and I'll see you again later."

With that, the trio and y/n and continues on, Hermione and Ron bickering about the essay incessantly.

"Well that does mean that it should take more thought than two hour's worth," Hermione sighs with a laugh, stepping onto the moving staircase.  Looking up the staircase, Harry frowns, looking at the large heard of people around the portrait hole.

"What's going on?" Hermione whispers under her breath as they rush up the stairs to join the twins who are standing next to each other before the portrait hole.

"Looks like something pretty nasty here," Fred states.  

"Some beast really did a number on it," George adds pointing to the Fat Lady's portrait.  Hermione gasps, looking at the claw marks that cut down to the wood through the canvas.  

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