Bad Reputation

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House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood


Sitting in Draco's lap with your legs crossed in the Slytherin common room, Draco slowly kisses your cheek and lips.  You smile down at him as he continues his gentle gestures, returning his caresses with one of your own.  He chuckles softly.

"I love you, y/n," he whispers softly into your ear, pressing his lips against your neck, making you giggle.

"Draco!  That tickles...," you laugh, removing his lips from your neck and kissing them slowly, causing him to grab your waist gently.  He kisses back, a low groan rising from his throat.

"God, look what you do to me, y/n," he chuckles.  

"Eww!  Break it up, you two!  Just becasue you're the Slytherin Prince, Malfoy, doens't mean that you can flaunt your relationship in everyone's faces!" Blaise Zabini grumbles, sitting on the couch across from y/n and Draco.  "You make out enough during school.  Why do you have to continue it during break hours and weekends?  Don't you get enough of each other during the day?"

"You don't understand Blaise...," Draco sighs, looking up into your eyes.  "You're not in a relationship and you certainly couldn't get into one with a girl like y/n."

You laugh and Blaise turns red with embarrassment.

"Blaise does have a point, Malfoy," Theodore Nott remarks, sitting down next to Blaise.  "The sheer amount of PDA you both produce is alarming."

"Aww.  Come on," Draco groans.  "It's not that much!" 

"But it is!  You kiss in the halls, during meals, even in class!  And I'm not even counting on the train rides to and from Hogwarts or the time we're not even here!" Theodore says.  "You both probably have full on make out sessions in private!"

Draco and you both roll your eyes.  Sure, you both did show a ton of PDA, but you both thought it was completely appropriate for your relationship and that made you both happy.

"I guess you're right, you guys, but we don't do the full on make out thing.  Y/n and I have decided to wait on that...  We'll save it for a later date," Draco sighs.  "But that doesn't mean we're stopping the PDA!"

"Come on!" they groan in unison.

"Hey, y/n?" Draco asks.

"Yeah, babe?" you reply.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Draco." 

Theodore and Blaise both grumble at these words and retreat back to the Slytherin boys' dorm rooms, leaving you and Draco alone in the common room together.

"Y'know, y/n, you're probably the nicest person in all of Slytherin," Draco whispers.  "I've never seen you hurt anyone or say a mean thing in all the years I've known you."

"I try to be nice, Draco.  I don't think that I should be rude by default.  I've got to give people the benefit of the doubt and once they hurt me, I can treat them however I like," you explain.

"God, I love you," he smiles. "I don't know how I got you, y/n.  Our principles are so different, after all."

"I know how we're together, Draco," you say softly.  "It's becasue I can see who you really are.  I like you for you and you like me for me."

"You're so right, baby.  Now let's stop talking and kiss me, please."

"Since you asked, so nicely," you simper, leaning down from your position on his lap to his lips.

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