End of Year Traditions

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This imagine was requested by MrsRosieWeasley!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  Pureblood

Warning: Swearing

A/N:  I do realise this is somewhat insestual, but this was the request and I had a lot of fun writing it!  :)


Sighing heavily, you pull yourself up into the train car, the train's whistle blowing from the engine and the hundreds of students bustling to board the train.  Through the flow of people in the hall of the train cars, you make your way through, being sure to avoid anyone with any reason to torment or make fun of you.  At last, you find an empty compartment.  You slip in and close the door behind you, make sure you lower the shades to cover your face.  

"Oi!  Where'd she go?!" you hear Vincent Crabbe bark from outside your door.  I swear I just saw her!"

"That freak mustn't have gotten far!" Pansy Parkinson hisses in return.  "Come on.  I bet she's down the way..."

You ball yourself up in your corner, shying away from the voices outside.   The heavy footsteps pass and the train jolts into motion, gradually picking up speed.  You look out the window and watch the trees blur together and the castle begin to get smaller and smaller.  From a small travel bag you have at your side, you pull out a book and begin to thumb through the pages, trying to find a way to pass the hours on the train.  

An hour goes by and by now, you've thrown your book across the compartment in boredom.  Breaking through the silence, a few footsteps approach outside your sliding door.  They stop right outside and you hear someone grab the door and start to pull it open.  

"Black," Draco Malfoy says sternly.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Malfoy?" you sneer sarcastically as Draco closes the door behind you.

"Oh, nothing.  I'm simply checking on on everyone's favourite murderer's daughter.   How's being a disgrace to the wizarding community this year?" Draco laughs, sitting down right across from you.

"Stop it already, Malfoy.  I'm tired of this," you sigh, crossing your arms angrily.

"Tired of what, Black?" Draco responds smugly.

"You've been tormenting me about my dad for four years.  It's getting really old and you have nothing new to say.  It's always, 'you're a disgrace' or 'you belong in Azkaban with your father' and I've heard it all!  After a whole year of annoying me, you always invite yourself into my compartment on the train and sit with me, telling me what a piece of scum I am.  Leave me alone!" you shout.  Draco chuckles maliciously.

"Nah.  I quite like tormenting you. It's the most fun I get other than when I'm messing with Potter," Draco sighs, lying down, his hands behind his head.  "I remember last October when we switched out your ink with acid.  What a fun day that was.  Oh!  Remember the time that Pansy had your hair bewitched so it turned into worms?  That was hilarious!"

"Oh.  That's just great.  Leave me out of your trip down memory lane," you say, standing up and heading for the door.  

"I wouldn't go there if I were you.  Crabbe and Goyle are outside and they haven't beaten anyone up in a while.  They've been having shakes from withdrawal, too," Draco smirks.  You sit down in a huff.

"You evil little shit," you grumble.  Draco laughs and continues on to reminisce about all the pranks he's played on you over the years.


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