Cheater Pt. 1

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Description:  This imagine was requested by Dead_Inside_42!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N: b/f/n = best friend's name (female)


A giggle erupts through the silent halls at Hogwarts, breaking the heavy silnence in the air, which is strange in your eyes, it being two minutes to curfew at Hogwarts and most people exhausted from the Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff Quidditch match of a mere few hours ago.  Most people's vocal chords shot out from screaming, you thought that everyone had retired to the common rooms for some well-needed rest.  You turn the corner and peer into an empty classroom, looking for the source.  Sitting on a desk, you spot two people, one a girl, one a boy, heavily entwined with their limbs wrapped tightly around each other.  The girl's voice is high and nasally.  She giggles gleefully and smashes her lips into the boy's.

"You're such a good kisser!" she squeals.

"Right back at you, babe," the guy says.  Your heart takes a tumble.  You recognize the voice.  

"I bet I'm better at it than lousy y/n could ever be!" she cackles.

"You're so much better than her!  She could never amount to you no matter how hard she tried!" he gasps, kissing the girl on the neck.

"I knew it. She has simply been starving you from real women, Draco.  You're lucky to have me to aid you," the girl laughs.

"You couldn't be more right, Pansy," Draco sighs.  You gasp, a tear slipping from your eyes down your cheek as you watch your boyfriend of a year smash his lips to your rival's. It's obvious.  He's not under some potion.  He's doing it willingly and eagerly.  He's enjoying it, too.  Your cheeks burn and you walk slowly into the room, holing the necklace that Draco gave to you on your birthday in your hand tightly, playing with the charm.  You clear your throat.  Draco and Pansy jump apart and Draco stares at you, horrified.  As if he has just realised where he sits, he shoves pansy off his lap from her straddling position.

"Y-Y/n," he stutters.  "I-It's not what it looks like.  Let me explain this to you, baby..."

"Don't call me that," you say softly.  "I'm not your baby anymore."

"Y/n...  Please...," he gasps.  "Let me have a chance..."

"Why should I do that?" you spit.  "I find you here, kissing another girl, saying I'm worse than her, praising her for her kisses, cheating on me.  Why should I let you have that chance?  You betrayed me."


"No!  I thought you valued me.  I guess I was wrong.  My friends told me to be careful before coming in and dating you.  They told me that you were trouble and that I shouldn't associate with you be near people like you.  I thought we had a meaningful relationship.  Since day one, I've poured my heart and soul into you and this is how you repay me?" you say harshly.  "I should have known you were bad news, Draco Malfoy."

With that, you rip off your necklace and throws it at Draco's feet.  

"I won't be needing that anymore, Malfoy.  From now on, keep to yourself.  I don't want to see your face. All I'll see is you entwined with another girl, your lips locked.  I don't want to hear your voice.  All I'll hear is you telling her she's such a better kisser than y/n.  Stay away from me and I hope you're happy with your new girlfriend.  Goodbye," you say, turning away from the two and closing the classroom door behind you, listening to it click shut just as you lock away all of your memories of Draco in the back of your mind.


It's been over a week since the breakup.  Originally, you were broken up and crying, asking b/f/n why he cheated and why it was with Pansy.  You were filled with saddness and rage towards Draco.  He had cheated on you, after all.    

"He was the only person I really trusted with my heart," you had said to b/f/n one night.

"It's alright, y/n.  I know this is tough, but you'll get through this," b/f/n said comfortingly.

"I-I know...  I just thought Draco was different.  He was caring and sweet to me...  I thought that we were really going to last," you sighed.  "Well... Lesson learned.  I'm done with him and I'm done with men."

After that, you had received multiple letters from Draco and many apology gifts, which included, a teddy bear, countless "I'm sorry, y/n" cards, a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a couple of love letters. all of which you either threw off the astronomy tower, burned, or sent back.  After waking up in your bed after a long week of classes, you groan and pull the covers over your head, still thinking about Draco despite trying to push him out of your head.

"Do you want to talk about it, y/n?" your best friend asks, leaning to the side to try and get a glimpse of your face.

"No...," you grumble burying your face in your pillows.

"Come on, it's the weekend.  We should have some fun," b/f/n says enthusiastically.  "How about Honey dukes in Hogsmeade?  We could get you some wallowing chocolate!"

"Please no, b/f/n.  I don't want to wallow and I don't want wallowing chocolate..." you reply, pulling the covers over your head.

"At least breakfast?  You haven't eaten since yesterday...," b/f/n sighs.  

"That's because I'm not hungry."

"You don't even have to put on real clothes..." b/f/n eggs on.  

"Fine...  I'm not going out in my pyjamas, though.  I look like crap as of right now," you say, wrapping a blanket around you and shuffling through your things, pulling out a pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt.  You slip on a pair of boots, and brush your hair, tidying up a bit. Grabbing your hand, b/f/n drags you down the stairs all the way to the Great Hall.  She plops you down at your house table and you both serve yourself breakfast.  Just then, Draco comes in, slouching.  He has dark circles under his eyes and he's wearing his Slytherin Quidditch Jersey with a pair of sweatpants and slippers.  He walks over to you and tries to look you in the eyes.  Turning away from him, you continue to nibble on your toast.

"Y/n...  Please.  Let's talk," he begs, leaning down to you.  You do nothing and Draco groans in desperation.  "Please!  I made a huge mistake!  I should never have cheated on you!  It was wrong!"

"Oh!  It was wrong, Draco?  Where'd you get that crazy idea?" you gasp in mock surprise.

"Y/n, please!  I learnt my mistake!  I-I want you back!  I was a fool!  I didn't appreciate you when I had you and-"

"-and now that I'm gone you, realise how much I meant to you?!" you spit.  "I'm not falling for that load of bull, Draco!  You cheated on me, making out with my rival, praising her for her disgusting kisses!

"You complete me, y/n!  Give me another chance, please!  I know I don't deserve it, but please!  Remember the good times!" Draco gasps, pleading.  "I've been lost the past week without you!  You are my world, y/n!  I miss having you in my arms!  I miss your companionship!  I miss our late night walks together, and when we'd study in the library on our breaks.  I miss holding hands under the table in History of Magic and laughing over Crabbe and Goyle's arguments...  I miss your laugh and your smile.  I miss the joy you bring the room!  Please!  I beg of you!  I'm down on my knees!"

Grabbing your hands, you see tears flooding down Draco's cheeks.  

"I-I don't know what to do anymore!  I'm all alone and it's m fault.  I swear...  If I have you back, I'll never mistreat you ever again!  I'll be faithful until I die!" Draco cries, trying to reach out for our hands.  You get up and tower over him, looking down at the shaking boy at your feet.

"No.  I'm done with you," you say, turning on your heel and heading back to the dorms to have a little time to yourself.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,340 words long!  Thanks for reading!  I have another chapter that has a similar plot and a happier ending coming up next!

- Soiea

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