The Truth Hurts Pt. 1

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This imagine was requested by CallMe_Slytherin!  

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood  

Warnings:  Slight swearing


Third Person POV:

"Your attention please!"  Professor Dumbledore calls out into the Great Hall, majestically raising his arms to head height.  The students immediately begin to shush each other and point to the front of the hall.  Once the room is silent, Dumbledore clears his throat behind his lectern.  The lectern's golden owl spreads its wings as Dumbledore begins to speak.  

"Wonder what this is bout," Theodore Nott whispers to his friends at the Slytherin table.  Crabbe shrugs, shaking his head, while Draco Malfoy plays with his fork, disinterested.

"This year at Hogwarts will be quite different from all the years that we've had in the past.  This year, we will be playing host to the dementors of Azkaban until Sirius Black is caught," Dumbledore announces calmly as the Great Hall erupts with murmurs.  He confidently casts his gaze side to side and the students are silenced almost immediately.  "In addition, I'm delighted to introduce you all to Professor Lupin who will be filling the role of our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.  Good luck to him in the coming months!"

The students clap loudly, some more enthusiastic than the others.  In other words, Draco Malfoy and his group are inaudibly just barely clapping or not clapping at all.  

"Now, you all may see some unfamiliar faces at your house tables this evening," Dumbledore continues.  Automatically, people start looking frantically side to side, trying to see who Dumbledore is talking about.  

"Look," a Hufflepuff says, motioning to a dark-haired boy with olive skin at the Ravenclaw table.

"Hey!" A Gryffindor says, pointing to a Hufflepuff sitting in the middle of her house table.  The Great hall filled with excitement, Dumbledore smiles.

"Yes.  Hogwarts has implemented a few changes this year.  For the first time ever in Hogwarts history, we are accepting transfer students and exchange students.  Please do welcome your new classmates and our guests to Hogwarts," Dumbledore instructs.  "Now, welcome back to Hogwarts and enjoy the feast!"

The banquet appears on the tables and everyone immediately begins grabbing food cheerily.  Draco Malfoy scans the Slytherin table, his eyes locking onto a girl he's never seen before who's sitting only a few places down from himself.  She looks up and spots him looking at her and waves.  In response, he immediately looks away, nearly falling backwards, embarrassed to be caught looking at her.

"What's wrong Malfoy?" Blaise Zabini asks.  

"We have a new girl," Draco replies, tilting his head towards the girl.

"Huh," Blaise shrugs.  "I wonder what her name is..."

"Hey!  Whassyur name?!" Goyle calls out to the girl abruptly, slurring his words. 

"Shhhh!" Draco Malfoy hisses, cupping Crabbe's mouth immediately with his hands.

"Y/n," she smiles calmly to the boys, taking out an issue of the Daily Prophet.

"Nice going, Goyle.  Now we look like idiots in front of her," Theodore mumbles sarcastically, giving Goyle a dirty look.

"And she's the only transfer student in Slytherin...," Blaise adds on.  "I wonder what year she's in."

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