Prefects Pt. 1

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House: You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Bullying, a bit of swearing

A/N:  y/l/n = your last name; b/f/n = best friend's name; y/h = your house


"Okay, y/n..." you whisper to yourself, getting off the Hogwarts Express.  The mass of students from second year to seventh year all around you and congregate towards the carriages.  "Alright... Fifth year...  Here we go..."

The last one to start walking to the carriages, you trial behind everybody else, carrying a small bag of books.  When you get there, there's only one of the black carriage left.  You shyly step on and sit in the corner.  Moments later, you are joined by the group of Slytherins in your year, who had also trailed behind because of their need to bully the first years.

"Did you see his face?!" Crabbe grunts, sitting down next to you suddenly, causing the carriage to rock back and forth unsteadily.

"It was priceless!" Goyle replies, chuckling lowly.  Pansy and Draco join them, both smiling.

"Drackie-Poo!  You were great!" she gasps.  "You really did a number on the sad Ravenclaw boy!  He deserved it!"

She reaches for Draco's hand but he withdraws it and sticks it in his robe's pockets, nodding.  he looks up and realises that you're there.

"Well, well," Theodore Nott says, taking adjacent to Goyle.  "Look who we have here...  If it isn't a little, lost y/l/n.  Why are you sitting with us?"

"I was in here when you arrived, Nott," you reply coldly.

"Get lost, y/l/n.  You don't belong here," Pansy cackles.  "We are, after all, far superior to you."

"Leave!" Crabbe grunts.  

"As one of the newest prefects of Slytherin house, I command you!  Leave!" she hisses.

"This is the last carriage," you state, finally looking up at your adversaries.  "I also can be in here if I want.  I'm a Hogwarts student, too.  These carriages are meant to take everyone up to the castle."

Blaise Zabini nods to Crabbe and Goyle.  They stand up and grab you by your shoulders and toss you out to the ground and throw your bag on top of you.  The carriage starts to move away and you hear the Slytherins laughing.  Above the rumble of thunder echoes from the distance and it starts to rain.  Far ahead of you, you see the magical carriage form a roof, covering the students inside.  You get up and brush the dirt off of your clothes and your face.  The cold raindrops hit your face and gradually get larger and larger.  As you trudge up to the castle, your hair, clothes, and skin become absolutely soaked.


About an hour later, you finally reach the steps of Hogwarts.  Your hair and clothes are in sopping wet and your shoes feel like they hold an ocean's worth of water. The lights are on in the Great Hall and you see the candles floating above the tables.  People are laughing and chatting with each other, happy to be reunited with their friends.  You quickly turn around the corner into the Great Hall and shuffle over to y/h's table, trying to go unnoticed.   You slide into an empty spot, far away from the other students.  Dinner has ended.  There's only desert now.  You grab a bowl of pudding.  This'll have to do.  You pull out a book from your soaking wet bag and open it, silently reading to yourself until you hear some snickering.  Looking up, you realise it's the Slytherins again.  They've just noticed you walk in.  Almost all of them are laughing and giggling like little kids, but Draco.  He's staring down at his plate.  He seems to be concentrating on something, but it's confusing what he could ever be thinking about.  Just then, Dumbledore stands up and announces that the feast has ended and that it is time to return to the houses.  

"Off to bed, pip pip!"  Dumbledore cheers waving his hands.  The prefects are the first to get up.  You see Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table call out to the first years to direct them to the common room.  You sulk as you look over towards Pansy and Draco's direction.   They, too, are trying to herd the new Slytherins.  Both have smug looks on their face, satisfied with their new outlet of power they can easily abuse.  You roll your eyes and get up, looking forward to trying off in your dorm room.


Your alarm blaring, you stumble out of bed and clumsily shut it off.  You gather up your uniform and put it on, making sure your tie is done perfectly.  Happy at how you look, you grab your now dry school bag and head out to breakfast by yourself, giving you a chance to think.  Why was Malfoy so cut off last night?  He usually likes to make fun of people with his friends,  you think to yourself. It's totally uncharacteristic.  

Suddenly, you feel someone tug at your upper arm and you are almost thrown around a corner into a broom cupboard.  

"What the fu-!" you gasp.

"Shh, princess..." you hear a voice drawl.  Draco Malfoy.

"What's going on, Malfoy?  I need to go to breakfast or else I'm not going to have any food until lunch and I can't last that long!" you protest.

"It'll only take a second," he says, turning to face you.  "I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"What?" you say, a bit sceptical at his gesture is legitimate.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry, y/n.  I'm sorry that my friends treated you that way.  I should have kept them under control.  I am a prefect, after all.  It's my job," he says.

"Well, you aren't doing the greatest job as of late, Malfoy," you snap, trying to find a way out.

"I have to say, I didn't really think anything of it until you came back to the Great Hall an hour later than everyone absolutely miserable and soaking from head to toe.  You looked like you were in great pain. It made me think...  I could have stopped that if I had been more of a man," he admits.  

You're a bit shocked.  You've never seen this soft, sweet side of Draco ever before. In the past, he had always been "that Slytherin bully, Malfoy".  Now he's shown a whole new side of him that nobody's ever seen.  Not even his father.

"Over the years I've stood by when my friends tortured you, I think I've come to care for you, y/n.  I just picked on you because you were different and I'm sorry.  I was absolutely cruel to you and I realise now that that's unacceptable.  I don't expect your forgiveness immediately or at all, but I'd really like to get to know you now or be your friend if you'll have me, y/n." he says, his voice quivering slightly.

"Draco, thank you," you say after a few moments of painful silence.  "I would definitely like to get to know you better."

"Really?!" he asks, the happiness rising in his expression.

"Yeah," you reply.  "It doesn't mean that you're forgiven.  You've been an asshole for a long time, Malfoy."

He shudders when he heads his name.

"Ummm...  Can you call me 'Draco' if we're going to be friends?" he asks.  You nod kindly.

"Of course, Draco."


A/N:  This chapter was 1,210 words long!  Thanks for reading!  REQUESTS ARE OPEN!  

- Soiea  

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