It's My Fault Pt. 3

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Description:  This imagine was requested by HarryPotterGeek1397 and Malfoytwin.

House:  You Choose (you're still dead)

Blood Status:  Pureblood (you're still dead)

Warning:  Unpleasant themes 

A/N:  y/m/n = your middle name and YES I MADE A PART 3!  I wasn't going to continue this and I said that last chapter, but since you guys really wanted it so much, here it is.  It might not be as good fyi.  I wasn't expecting to write a part 3, tbh.  Hope you like it!


Third Person POV:

It's been years since y/n's death and Draco is still having trouble coping with the fact that she's gone.  Scorpius is now fourteen and about to head into his fourth year at Hogwarts.  This time is the time of year Draco dreads the most: when his son leaves him and he's all alone at the manor with his thoughts.  Nearly all the good qualities of Draco and Scorpius's relationship started to slowly fade away as Scorpius aged.  Draco did tell him what happened to his mother and how she died.  The older Scorpius got, the more he understood and the angrier he became.  He became irritable and loathed his father to the point it became customary for him never to look his father in the eye with any sort of joy or happiness upon seeing him.  Y/n was buried in the garden behind the manor.  Draco had convinced Voldemort to allow her to be buried there as opposed to the mass graves for the hunted down renegades, blood traitors, muggles, and muggle-borns that were killed almost regularly during his reign.  It was a lovely section for a garden and an even better one for y/n's resting place.  Her casket was encased in a shiny, white marble.  On top of it, a stone statue of her likeness was made and a plaque read:

Y/n Y/m/n Malfoy

Loving wife to Draco Malfoy and mother to Scorpius Malfoy.

May she rest in peace.

1980 - 2007

Draco would visit her often and tell her about his day, often in tears by the end.  Every day was almost torture.  Y/n had been the light of his life for so many years and, especially with Voldemort as ruler of the wizarding world, the nonexistence of his relationship with Scorpius, and the existence of the empty bedroom at the end of the hallway, life was nearly unbearable for Draco.

Walking towards platform 9 3/4, Draco tries to meet his son's gaze.  

"Scorpius...  I...," he stutters.  Scorpius doesn't even blink an eye.  "Scorpius...  Please.  I'm your father.  I-I know you'll do fantastic this year."

Scorpius still doesn't respond to his father's words as they walk through the barrier together.  Scorpius proceeds to the train, handing his trunk to a luggage man.  He takes his owl off of the trolley and begins to board, but Draco grabs his hand.  

"Please, Scorpius!" he begs.  "Talk to me!"

"What is there to talk about, Father?" he spits.  "The fact that becasue of you I don't have a mother?  The fact that you killed her?  The fact that you also killed my little sister with her?  What should we talk about, huh?  All of these are such happy topics.  Hey, Father!  Ya know how you killed my mum? Yeah!  Great talk!"

"Please, Scorpius!  Do you not think that what I did haunts me every day?  I loved your mother with all my heart!  She was my gem in a world of lost hope!  Do you not think that I cry myself to sleep at night?  Do you not think that I imagine a world where she had lived and that you would be an elder brother to a wonderful little girl?" he gasps, feeling his tears start to form.  "Scorp...  I love you and I loved your mother!  I still do!  Please... Try to understand!  I didn't want it this way!  I never wanted her to die!  I was under the Imperius curse!"

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